Lattice study on the twisted CP^{N-1} models on R x S^1

18 Jun 2019, 17:30
Shimao 1A+1B

Shimao 1A+1B

Parallel Theoretical Developments Theoretical Developments


TATSUHIRO MISUMI (Akita University)


We here focus on CP^{N-1} models on R x S^1 with the Z_N twisted boundary conditions, whose importance has recently been increasing in terms of resurgence theory, volume independence and its relation to 4D gauge theory. We have performed lattice simulations for the models with N=3-20 on several lattice sizes (e.g. 40 x 8, 200 x 8, 400 x 12), with emphasis on Polyakov loop, Casimir energy and fractional instantons. In the talk, we will show our results on phase transition associated with the expectation value of Polyakov loop and Casimir energy associated with the vacuum energy. We will also discuss the existence of Q=1/N fractional instantons and bions, which play a pivotal role in the resurgent structure and the volume independence of the models.

Primary authors

TATSUHIRO MISUMI (Akita University) Prof. Etsuko Itou (Keio University) Prof. Toshiaki Fujimori (Keio University) Prof. Muneto Nitta (Keio University) Prof. Sakai Norisuke (Keio University)

Presentation materials