Jan 6 – 12, 2019
Alpine Ballroom, Pines Lodge
America/Denver timezone

The 35th edition of the Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics will be held January 6th-12th, 2019 at the Beaver Creek Resort near Vail in Colorado. As with previous years, the workshop attracts scientists from all fields of nuclear physics for presentations and to engage in a friendly exchange of ideas. Much emphasis will be on the recent LHC and RHIC heavy ion results, but advances in ongoing and future programs at FAIR, FRIB, NICA and JLab will also be featured.

The meeting will start with a welcome reception on the evening of Sunday, January 6th. The workshop program will commence on Monday morning and and finish Friday evening.  Talks will be as usual 25+5 minutes, entirely plenary with no parallel sessions. If you are interested in presenting your work, please fill out the registration form prior to the registration deadline. There will be rolling consideration as they are submitted of the abstracts by the program committee. Talks will be confirmed expeditiously via individual invitations. We request from and will work with the talks committees of experimental collaborations to provide a well-rounded and interesting program.  

Please note that the timeline is tight as the workshop is during winter break vacations in early January (6th-12th). We have contracted with the resort for a limited number of rooms that must be confirmed and booked by December 7th. Thus, we ask that attendees please submit abstracts with sufficient time to meet these deadlines.


Local organizers: John Harris, Wolfgang Bauer, Rene Bellwied, Anthony Timmins

Workshop Secretary: Paula Farnsworth 

Alpine Ballroom, Pines Lodge
Beaver Creek Resort, Colorado