XYZ particles at BESIII

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Hao Cai (Wuhan University (CN))


With its unique data samples at energies of 3.8--4.6 GeV, the BESIII experiment made a significant contribution to the study of charmonium and charmonium-like states, i.e., the XYZ states. A large number of Z states has been discovered in charmonium and open-charm decays. Isospin triplet has been established for all the decays, while the quantum number of them has been measured in a couple of channels. New Y states have been observed in several decays with some puzzling behavior, while there is a hint of a strong connection between X,Y states and radiative decays.

Author's Name Hao Cai
Author's Institute Wuhan University
Author's e-mail
Abstract Title XYZ particles at BESIII
Subject QCD+Flavour

Primary author

Hao Cai (Wuhan University (CN))

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