31 July 2019 to 2 August 2019
Stockholm university
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Statistical Analysis for COSINE-100

31 Jul 2019, 18:05
Stockholm university

Stockholm university

AlbaNova University Center Roslagstullsbacken 21 10691 Stockholm


Dr Young Ju Ko (Institute for Basic Science (IBS))


COSINE-100 is an experiment to detect dark matter induced recoil interactions in NaI(Tl) crystals in order to test the DAMA/LIBRA collaboration’s claim. The COSINE-100 detector has been operating since September of 2016 in the 700-m-deep Yangyang underground laboratory. First shape  and annual modulation analyses have been completed, and the related statistical approaches will be presented. In addition, we introduce our own analysis tool based on bayesian statistics for several other analyses in progress.

Primary author

Dr Young Ju Ko (Institute for Basic Science (IBS))

Presentation materials

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