31 July 2019 to 2 August 2019
Stockholm university
Europe/Stockholm timezone

For Physicists


The following books and articles are suggested as prior reading to help provide some background information on statistical issues in particle physics analyses. Many are available freely online. We do not expect participants to read them all.

Specific statistics papers related to dark matter:

General statistics papers and review related to particle physics:

Below are some suggested books about statistical methods in experimental physics:

  • "Statistical Data Analysis" Glen Cowan
  • L. Lyons, "Statistics for Nuclear and Particle Physicists", (Cambridge
    University Press, New York, 1986).
  • F. James, "Statistical Methods in Experimental Physics", 2nd ed., (World Scientific, Singapore, 2007)
  • O. Behnke, K. Kroeninger, G. Schott and T. Schoerner-Sadenius, "A Practical Guide to Statistical Methods" (Wiley-VCH 2013)