31 July 2019 to 2 August 2019
Stockholm university
Europe/Stockholm timezone

WIMP Dark Matter Modulation Analysis on Data from Low Threshold Germanium Detectors

31 Jul 2019, 18:05
Stockholm university

Stockholm university

AlbaNova University Center Roslagstullsbacken 21 10691 Stockholm


Hau-Bin Li (Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)


we present results on light weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) searches with annual modulation (AM) analysis on data from a 1-kg mass p-type point-contact germanium detector of the CDEX-1B experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory. Data set with a total live-time of 3.2 years within a 4.2-year span are analyzed with physics threshold of 250 eVee. Annual modulation limits on WIMP-nucleus (chi-N) elastic scatterings cross-section through spin-independent interactions, as well as limits on Migdal effects, bremsstrahlung emissions of WIMP-nucleus will be explained. Diurnal modulation limits on WIMP-nucleus and annual modulation limits on WIMP-electrons (chi-e) will also be reported. In these analyses, we adopted a binned chi-squared approach, that allowed us to avoid background interpretation. Unknown background contributions, as well as those from time static dark matter contributions, are treated as free parameters to be fitted.

Primary author

Hau-Bin Li (Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)

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