31 July 2019 to 2 August 2019
Stockholm university
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Uncertainties in the dark matter velocity distribution

31 Jul 2019, 18:05
Stockholm university

Stockholm university

AlbaNova University Center Roslagstullsbacken 21 10691 Stockholm


Dr Andrew Fowlie (Nanjing Normal University)


I introduce a new formalism for incorporating uncertainties in the velocity distribution of dark matter in direct detection experiments (1809.02323). The method constructs a prior over upon possible velocity distributions. The prior penalizes departures from our expectation (e.g., a Maxwellian) according to the relative entropy. The uncertainty is subsequently marginalized using an exact result. We apply this formalism to results from XENON1T. Lastly, we discuss problems with this approach and possible ways forward.

Primary author

Dr Andrew Fowlie (Nanjing Normal University)

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