15–19 Sept 2019
Orto Botanico - Padova
Europe/Rome timezone

Measurement of Plasma Parameters in the Plasma Generator of KSTAR NBI during Beam Extraction

Not scheduled
Orto Botanico - Foyer

Orto Botanico - Foyer

Poster Experiments and Diagnostics Poster


Dr Byungkeun Na (National Fusion Research Institute)


The neutral beam injection (NBI) system in KSTAR (Korea Superconductor Tokamak Advanced Research) provide heating and current drive to KSTAR tokamak plasma. It is composed of a plasma generator, an accelerator, and neutralizers. The plasma generator and the neutralizer decide the plasma chemistry and finally the beam fraction while the accelerator decides the beam optics. In general, the plasma characteristics of the plasma generator is measured without the accelerator activation, but it can be varied during beam extraction due to the ion extraction and the back stream electrons. In this presentation, the plasma parameters during the beam extraction and its time evolution is compared to the quiet plasma (without accelerator activation). The collisional-radiative (CR) modeling based OES is used for plasma measurement.

Primary authors

Dr Byungkeun Na (National Fusion Research Institute) Dr Min Park (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Mr Wook Cho (National Fusion Research Institute) Mr Jong Su Kim (National Fusion Research Institute) Dr Sang Wook Jung (National Fusion Research Institute) Dr Jin Hyun Jeong (National Fusion Research Institute) Dr Tae-seong Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Dr S. H. Jeong (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Mr Dae Jun Choi (National Fusion Research Institute) Mr Hyun Taek Park (National Fusion Research Institute) Dr Jong Gu Kwak (National Fusion Research Institute)

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