27–29 May 2019
Europe/Helsinki timezone

Zee Model with Minimal Flavour Violation

27 May 2019, 14:45
Auditorium E204 (Physicum)

Auditorium E204


Physicum, Kumpula campus Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2a, Helsinki.


Kei Yagyu (Seikei University)


We discuss a simple model for tiny neutrino masses which are generated at one-loop level without right-handed neutrinos.
The scalar sector is extended to have 2 Higgs doublets and a charged singlet filed.
This model has been known as the Zee model, where its original version
was already excluded as it cannot reproduce current neutrino mixing data.
We thus extend the Zee model by introducing a global U(1) symmetry which
plays a role not only to forbid dangerous FCNCs in the quark sector, but also
provides sufficient degrees of freedom to reproduce the current neutrino mixing data.
We show that there are regions of parameter space to explain neutrino data,
lepton flavour violation data and LHC data. We then discuss expected collider signatures.

Primary authors

Kei Yagyu (Seikei University) Takaaki Nomura (Korea Institute for Advanced Study)

Presentation materials