Panel members (speakers):
Julien Chiaroni from General Secretariat for Investment (Office of the Prime Minister, France) - developing “trustable” AI.
Mirjana Stankovic, Vice-President, Emerging Technologies at Tambourine ventures - what can be done when policies develop more slowly than technology?
Ashley Casovan, Executive Director of AI Global, a non-profit dedicated to responsible implementation of AI will talk about responsibility and ethics with AI, as well as future certification of AI technologies.
Cédric Bourrasset, Artificial Intelligence product manager at ATOS will speak about ethical choices in videosurveillance applications
Prof. Andrea Bertolini, Dirpolis Institute and University of Pisa will speak about regulation in AI and robotics
Yan Zhenfang, General Director of Intelligent Computing Dept. of Huawei will speak about the experience of Huawei
Andrea Escobedo Lastiri, IBM, will talk about policy issues and AI ethics as practiced by IBM