20–25 Oct 2019
America/Mexico_City timezone

From GigScience to Combined Intelligence of Machine and Crowd

22 Oct 2019, 17:00
Oral Artificial intelligence, data science, and machine learning Submitted contributions


Dr Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))


Online education captures all new frontiers. Modern platforms are scaled to transfer the necessary information to the student: illustrations of basic concepts, theoretical foundations, etc. At the same time, practical skills are difficult to convey online; they can only be acquired through personal experience. Such difficulties make it difficult to study natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.). At the same time, there is a lack of qualification in working with advanced data analysis techniques for solving problems of signal cleaning from noise, optimization of structures, searching for protein structures and hundreds of other tasks. It is seen that, on the one hand, there is an excess of the workforce, of interest in acquiring practice, on the other - a lack of intellectual resources.
This situation leads to an exciting technological win-win project. A possible approach to resolving the contradiction is the creation of a platform to support focal research gig-research teams to work in a competitive-collaborative format. Such working groups consisting of subject matter researchers and online program students will solve both problems: scaling up practical online programs and increasing the level of data analysis technologies used in applied scientific challenges. The story about such a platform is accompanied by a description of examples of practical projects and diverse tasks: from the rules of gamification to the next generation autoML, in the solution of which you can also participate.


Dr Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU))

Presentation materials