29 April 2019 to 4 May 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Small molecule inhibitors for tumor imaging and therapy

30 Apr 2019, 09:30
Ettore Majorana Foundation (Erice)

Ettore Majorana Foundation


Invited Preclinical research and development of new radiopharmaceuticals Lessons learned from recent targeted radiotherapy treatments


Prof. Uwe Haberkorn (University of Heidelberg)


Technological advances in molecular biology and biotechnology are increasingly used for the development of new tumor targeting tracers. In oncology, major progress has recently been achieved with peptidic and small molecule compounds. This relies on the identification and validation of new target structures in close conjunction with the application of new techniques for the development of new biocompatible molecules. These are based on either rational design or highthroughput methods. Their further evaluation and optimization consists in the characterization of the structure-function relationships and subsequent improvement with respect to binding, internalization and biodistribution of corresponding analogues. The concept will be shown for two the fibroblast activation protein ( FAP).

Primary author

Prof. Uwe Haberkorn (University of Heidelberg)

Presentation materials