2–6 Sept 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Exponential expansion through decaying Anti-de Sitter

3 Sept 2019, 15:55


Dr Marjorie Schillo (Uppsala)


I will discuss a recent construction wherein an effective de Sitter spacetime appears as a non-supersymmetric AdS vacuum decays into the supersymmetric vacuum. Four-dimensional observers are localized on a spherical brane which nucleates to facilitate the decay. The expansion of the brane bubble then leads to an effective four-dimensional de Sitter space. This construction side-steps the difficulties of constructing scale-separated de Sitter vacua or inflating spacetimes in traditional flux compactifications. I will discuss new developments concerning four-dimensional phenomenology and the embedding of the scenario in string theory.


Dr Marjorie Schillo (Uppsala) Prof. Ulf Danielsson (Uppsala) Dr Souvik Banerjee (Uppsala) Mr Giri Suvendu (Uppsala) Dr Giuseppe Dibitetto (Uppsala)

Presentation materials