2–6 Sept 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

A closer look at secondary antiproton production in cosmic rays and its impact on dark matter indirect searches

3 Sept 2019, 15:10
Talk Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics Parallel Sessions: Dark Matter and Astroparticle (C.A.R.L., H08)


Andrea Vittino (RWTH Aachen University)


In recent years, several investigations have pointed towards an excess in the cosmic-ray antiproton data reported by the AMS-02 Collaboration. The interpretation of this result, which could potentially represent a dark matter signal, requires a thorough understanding of the systematic uncertainties associated with it. In this talk I will focus on one of these uncertainties, the one arising from our limited knowledge of the cross section describing the production of secondary antiprotons. In particular, I will illustrate how the modelling of this cross section at very low center-of-mass energies can play an important role in the fit to experimental data, with important consequences on the search for dark matter hints in the antiproton spectrum.


Andrea Vittino (RWTH Aachen University)


Alejandro Ibarra

Presentation materials