2–6 Sept 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Probing Dark Matter Throughout Cosmic History

3 Sept 2019, 16:40
Talk Dark Matter and Astroparticle Physics Parallel Sessions: Dark Matter and Astroparticle (C.A.R.L., H08)


Prof. Vera Gluscevic (USC)


I will review the status of cosmological searches for dark matter-baryon interactions, summarizing the best current limits on scattering of sub-GeV particle candidates with protons derived from the CMB anisotropy measurements. I will then present stringent new bounds on the same physics, inferred recently from the observed population of the Milky Way satellite galaxies. I will highlight complementarities between different observations and laboratory searches for dark matter, and discuss the prospects for the coming decade.


Prof. Vera Gluscevic (USC)

Presentation materials