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1–3 Jul 2019
Europe/Paris timezone

Call for Abstracts

Abstract submission guidelines – ENLIGHT Annual Meeting 2018

The organising committee offers the opportunity of presenting particle therapy related research projects and results in the form of scientific posters. These will be displayed during the meeting to allow for individual discussions. Three winning posters will be selected by the scientific committee and their authors will be offered the opportunity to give an oral presentation.

We invite you to submit abstracts according to the following guidelines:

Abstract Template

•Font: Arial

Page size and margins

•Paper Size: A4 portrait

•Margins: top: 2 cm / bottom: 1.75 cm / right: 2 cm / left: 2.5 cm

•Max. 2000 characters (incl. spaces, the body of the abstract itself)


   Author1, Author2, (centred, after one blank line, presenting author underlined;  12 pt)


   1Affiliation, Address (11 pt)

    2Affiliation, Address (11 pt)

    e-mail of corresponding author (11 pt, italic)


   Abstract body: 12 pt, single-spaced

   Structure: Purpose, Material and Methods, Results, Conclusions max

   2000 characters (incl. spaces)


Abstracts should be uploaded on this webpage no later than Monday 24th June.

Max. poster size: 75cm x 120cm or A0

The posters will be put up on Monday morning and remain on display for all 3 days. The posters will be put up on poster boards that run along the back wall of the lecture theatre where all the talks will take place.