ENLIGHT Annual Meeting and Training 2019, Caen

Centre François Baclesse, Caen, France

IMPORTANT: The presentations are available on this webpage. If you wish to utilize them, please contact the speakers.

The European Network for Light Ion Hadron Therapy (ENLIGHT) was established in 2002 following various European particle therapy network initiatives during the 1980s and 1990s. ENLIGHT started its work on major topics related to hadron therapy (HT), such as patient selection, clinical trials, technology, radiobiology, imaging and health economics. It was initiated through CERN and ESTRO and dealt with various disciplines such as (medical) physics and engineering, radiation biology and radiation oncology. A regular annual meeting structure was started in 2002 and continues until today bringing together the various disciplines and projects and institutions in the field of HT at different European places for regular exchange of information on best practices and research and development.

The 17th ENLIGHT annual meeting will be taking place on 1st to 3rd July 2019 in the Centre François Baclesse, 3 avenue Général Harris, F-14000 CAEN - in the Teaching Department (Service d’enseignement) ground floor (“rez-de-jardin”).

We look forward to meeting you in Caen.

CALL FOR ENLIGHT ABSTRACTS: We invite you to submit your abstract for presenting a poster following the guidelines, following link below on this page. The authors of the best three posters will be granted the possibility to give an oral presentation. Deadline: June 24, 12:00 (CET)

Get involved

Become a member of the ENLIGHT network: Register here



ENLIGHT in the framework of CERN & Society - Support the CERN & Society Programme with your donation


Together, we can do even greater things!

ENLIGHT Coordination Office

European Organization for Nuclear Research

Phone: +41 22 767 17 91

Email: enlight@cern.ch




For more information, please contact Mr Claude Dupont claude.dupont@iba-group.com                                   


Registration form
    • 08:30
      Coffee and registration
    • 1
      Welcome talk(s)
      Speakers: A. Mahé Marc, Jacques BALOSSO (ARCHADE/FranceHADRON), Manjit Dosanjh (CERN)
    • Didactic Session
      • 2
        Biomarkers and liquid biopsy from an experimental point of view

        The goal is to initiate young scientists to the interest of biomarkers, how to retrieve them, how to handled them, what are de scientific questions about them and what kind of scientific hypothesis can be addressed by biomarkers…

        Speaker: Siamak Haghdoost (Caen University, FR)
    • Workshop 1: Practical access to experimental platforms in Europe and Japan
      • 3

        RADIATE is funded by the EU Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020 and is committed to providing easy access for researchers from academia and industry to the participating ion beam facilities. About 15.800 hours of transnational access in total is offered free of charge to users who pass the RADIATE proposal procedure.

        Speaker: Henning Lebius (Cimap/GANIL, FR)
      • 4
        WP6 EPTN Review of beam access in Europe
        Speaker: Manjit Dosanjh (CERN, ENLIGHT)
      • 5

        MediNet, within ENSAR2, is a network that focuses on the development of tools to be used for medical applications and specifically on radiation therapy. The main emphasis is put on applications for ion-beam therapy with two distinct pillars: Research on detector instrumentation for radiation therapy and development of nuclear tools for the radiation quality characterization in ion-beam therapy.

        Speaker: Giulio Magrin (MedAustron, AU)
    • 11:30
      Coffee break
    • Workshop 1: Practical access to experimental platforms in Europe and Japan
      • 6
        Summary of the GSI: FAIR access and beam offer
        Speaker: Martina C. Fuss (GSI, GE)
      • 7
        KVI-CART (AGOR) in Netherlands
        Speaker: Sytze Brandenburg (KVI, NL)
      • 8
        General discussion as a round table, demands, how to apply, advises, examples, cost, collaboration
    • 13:30
    • 14:30
      Coffee break
    • Workshop 2: Animal models for PT experimentation

      (the goal is to give practical information for developing the use of an animal model for tumour and normal tissue experiments)

      Conveners: Cyrille Orset , Kevin Prise, Dr Myriam* Bernaudin (Normandie Univ, UNICAEN, CEA, CNRS, ISTCT/CERVOxy group, GIP Cyceron, Caen, France)
      • 9
        Reminder of the global European regulation on the use of animal models
        Speaker: Cyrille Orset (Cycéron)
      • 10
        Examples of platform working with animal models: INFN Catane
        Speaker: Francesco Paolo Cammarrata (IBFM/CNR, Italy)
      • 11
        Examples of platform working with animal models: The OncoModel platform in Caen
        Speaker: Samuel Valable (CYCERON, Caen)
      • 12
        Examples of platform working with animal models: The ICPO RadExp platform in Orsay
        Speakers: Annalisa Patriarca (Institut-Curie Recherche, Orsay), Frédéric Pouzoulet (Institut-Curie Recherche, Orsay)
      • 13
        Examples of platform working with animal models: Organ-on-chip as human analog model for in-vivo particle irradiation studies
        Speaker: Frederic Zenhausen (University of Arizona Cancer Center, USA)
      • 14
        Remnant of Workshop 1: INSPIRE protons beam access

        Led by the University of Manchester, INSPIRE is a Horizon 2020 funded European Research Project that aims to provide a world-leading integrating activity for European research in Proton Beam Therapy (PBT). Inspire’s Transnational Access infrastructure is dedicated to providing free access to research rooms in clinical proton beam therapy centres across Europe.

        Speaker: Pawel Olko (KPTC, Poland)
      • 15
        Remnant of Workshop 1: ERINS project (after ENSAR2)

        ERINS is a project supposed to continue the ENSAR2 project which is a European Network Research Infrastructure supported for applied nuclear physics in Europe.

        Speaker: Marek Lewitowicz (GANIL, FR)
    • Summary, and global discussion or conclusion
    • 08:30
      Coffee and Registration
    • 16
      Welcome Talk
    • Session I: Quality assurance, advanced instrumentation and organ motion
      Conveners: AM Frelin, Vincenzo Patera (University of Rome Sapienza)
    • 11:15
      Coffee break and Poster
    • Session II: Radiobiology (I) and Progress in Dose Calculation in PT
      Conveners: C Rodriguez-Lafrasse (Lyon), Thomas Schmid (Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München)
    • 13:10
      Lunch on site plus posters visit and poster jury working
    • Session III: Radiobiology (II)
    • 16:15
      Coffee break and poster visit
    • Session IV: Introduction Talk about ARCHADE - CYCLHAD
      Convener: Jacques BALOSSO (ARCHADE/FranceHADRON)
    • 17:00
      Shuttle transfer to CYCLHAD - three groups
    • 34
      Visit of CYCLHAD center and poster presentation of ARCHADE project in Caen
    • 35
      Shuttle transfer from CYCLHAD to Caen town hall
    • 19:30
      Social Event and Dinner

      At the Abbaye aux Hommes, Townhall of Caen
      For 19:30, visit, welcome address, a proclamation of awards, other…

    • 08:30
      Coffee and Registration
    • Session V (first part): Results or progresses in ongoing clinical trials

      (the goal is to share information on the progress of ongoing clinical trials, difficulties, failures, prospects of results, a project of multicentric comparative studies)

      Conveners: Juliette Thariat (Unicaen, CFB, Archade), Robert Miller (Michigan State University)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break and poster visit
    • Session V (second part): Results or progresses in ongoing clinical trials
    • 12:30
      Lunch on Site
    • Session VI: Poster Session: Poster awards winners presentation
      Conveners: Jacques BALOSSO (ARCHADE/FranceHADRON), Manjit Dosanjh (CERN)
    • Session VII: Facilities progress, new projects and new technology design
      Conveners: Jean-Marc Fontbonne (CNRS), Simona Giordanengo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
      • 46
        Centres advancement (MedAustron, Aarhus, Manchester, Maastricht, Groningen)
        Speaker: Pawel Olko
      • 47
        An overview of different new techniques/options/methods that are being studied/proposed at the moment
        Speaker: Jacobus Maarten Schippers
      • 48
        Perspectives in USA
        Speaker: Robert Miller (Michigan State University)
      • 49
        Particle therapy status in South Korea
        Speaker: Woo-Yoon Park (Chungbuk National University)
    • 16:00
      Coffee break and poster visit
    • Session VIII: Presentations from Industry
      Convener: T Teissonnier
      • 50
        Mevion: Advances in integrated compact single-room proton therapy systems
        Speaker: Sara La Civita (enlight@cern.ch)
      • 51
        IBA: Defining the future of Proton Therapy with Arc and Flash
        Speaker: Claude Dupont
    • 52
      Announcement of ENLIGHT 2020 and closure, farewell
      Speaker: Olav Dahl (Norway)