1–3 Jul 2019
Europe/Paris timezone


Session I

2 Jul 2019, 09:15


Session I: Quality assurance, advanced instrumentation and organ motion

  • Vincenzo Patera (University of Rome Sapienza)
  • AM Frelin

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Sairos Safai (Paul Scherrer Institute)
02/07/2019, 09:15
Dr Denis Dauvergne (LPSC, CNRS/IN2P3- Grenoble University)
02/07/2019, 09:35
Alessandro Vai (CNAO, Italy)
02/07/2019, 09:55
Ye Zhang (PSI, Switzerland)
02/07/2019, 10:15
Hamid Ladjal (LIRIS, Lyon)
02/07/2019, 10:35
Jean Bourhis (CHUV, Lausanne)
02/07/2019, 10:55
Building timetable...