1–6 Sept 2019
University of Surrey
Europe/London timezone

An Accurate Allowance for Initial and Final State Interections in The Treatment of The alpha-alpha Bremsstrahlung

5 Sept 2019, 19:10
University of Surrey

University of Surrey

Poster Posters Poster Session


Mr Adam Arslanaliev (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine)


One of motivations in studying the $\alpha + \alpha \rightarrow \alpha + \alpha +\gamma\,$ bremsstrahlung is to get a supplementary information on a strong part of the $\alpha-\alpha\,$ interaction [1]. We find some correlation function, in which one of the outgoing alphas is detected in coincidence with the emitted photon, depends consid-erably on the strong interaction in the entrance and exit channels (see Fig.1 for $d^5\sigma/dE_\gamma d\Omega_id\Omega_f$ in the lab. frame and coplanar momenta disposal, where the photon momentum is directed along the Z-axis and the rest lie in the XZ-plane, viz.,$\,\hat{k}_{1i} = (\theta_{1i}, 0)$ ,$\,\hat{k}_{1f} = (\theta_{1f}, \pi)$ at energies of the incident $\alpha$-particle $E_i = 10$ MeV and photon $E_\gamma = 1$ MeV). As before, our depar-ture point in describing electromagnetic (EM) interactions with nuclei is to use the Fock-Weyl cri-terion (see [2] and refs. therein). According to [3], the cross section can be expressed through the charge form factor of $\alpha$-particle $F_{CH}(q)$ depending on the stretched photon momentum $q = \lambda k_\gamma$ ($0\leq\lambda\leq1$ ) and the overlap integral $I = \langle\chi^{(-)}_{k'} |e^{iq\rho}|\chi^{(+)}_k\rangle$, where the ingoing $\chi^{(+)}_k$ and out-going $\chi^{(-)}_{k'}$ solutions for the $\alpha-\alpha$ scattering induced with interaction $V = V_C + V_S$ that consists of the repulsive Coulomb potential $V_C$ and its strong counterpart $V_S$. The Nordsieck-type integral $I_C$ in the partition $I = I_C + I_{CS}$, which determines the purely Coulomb mechanism of the bremsstrah-lung, is given by (10) in [6] while the radial integrals in fast-convergent series of the mix integral $I_{CS}$ in partial waves have been calculated via the contour integration method [7]. When collision energy increasing the cross sections become more sensitive to distinctions between the two phase-equivalent $\alpha-\alpha$ potentials.


  1. Langanke K.,Phys. Lett. 1986. V. B 174. P.27.
  2. Shebeko A., Phys. At. Nucl. 2014. V. 77. P. 518.
  3. Arslanaliev A., Shebeko A., In Proc. the 22nd Int. Conf. Few-Body22, (Springer, 2019).
  4. Buck B. et al., Nucl. Phys. 1977. V. A 275. P.246.
  5. Ali S., Bodmer A.R., Nucl. Phys. 1966. V.80. P.99.
  6. Gravielle M., Miraglia J., Comp. Phys. Comm. 1992. V. 69. P. 53
  7. Vincent C., Fortune H., Phys. Rev. C 1970. V. 2. P. 782

Primary authors

Dr Alexandr Shebeko (Institute of Theoretical Physics NSC KIPT, Kharkiv, Ukraine) Mr Adam Arslanaliev (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine)

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