3–5 Jun 2019
Europe/Zurich timezone

Installing a light-source with the beam-lines already in place ...

3 Jun 2019, 14:00
MD-1-21 (ESRF)



ESRF, Grenoble, France
Upgrade projets


Mr Kees scheidt (ESRF)Mr David Martin (ESRF)


The ESRF will most probably not be the last light source that will be confronted with a (complete) upgrade of its storage ring, while leaving the existing beamlines in place.
The particular difficulties and challenges with the complete dismantling and disposal of the old storage ring, and subsequent installation of the new ring will be reviewed.
This will also be an introduction talk to the site and tunnel visit planned later that same day, and aims at giving the participants an insight of the complexity of this massive work under very restrained conditions, and to show how solutions were found and applied with success so far.
The first part of this talk (by Kees) will give a general overview of the related logistic challenges,
while the 2nd part (by David Martin, head of the ALGE group) will focus on huge work and requirements of the alignment of this new ring.


Mr Kees scheidt (ESRF) Mr David Martin (ESRF)

Presentation materials