Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

8–10 Apr 2019
Vondelkerk, Amsterdam
Europe/Zurich timezone
The LHCb Collaboration prepared an Expression of Interest in 2017 and a Physics Case in 2018 for an LHCb Upgrade II, aiming at a full exploitation of the Flavour physics potential of the HL-LHC.  This workshop will discuss and further develop this long-term programme, aimed at both LHCb Upgrade 1b (Run 4) and Upgrade II (Run 5 and 6). 
The CERN LHCC and Research Board has recently recommended that the project proceeds to a framework Technical Design Report (TDR). The meeting will have a particular emphasis on the development of the detector design towards the TDR. The physics potential of the programme will also be discussed.
The meeting will start at 13:30 on Monday 8th April and finish at 12:30 on Wednesday 10th April. Registration will be open from February 8th till 25th of March.
Previous meetings:
Vondelkerk, Amsterdam
Vondelstraat 120, 1054 GS Amsterdam, The Netherlands