7–8 May 2019
Chateau de Bossey
Europe/Zurich timezone

PS and machine protection

8 May 2019, 16:10
Hexagonal (Chateau de Bossey)


Chateau de Bossey

Chemin Chenevière 2, 1279 Bogis-Bossey https://goo.gl/maps/7jqYRd1bmV52


Klaus Hanke (CERN)


  • Experience with protection
  • Protection strategy mid and long-term
  • External conditions & SIS
  • External conditions upgrade LS2 by BE-ICS  check against talk Greg/Miguel below for overlap
  • No safe beam flag in PSB and PS, manage interlocks per beam type / external conditions
  • What about BIS in the long-term future? PS dump, connection to PSB extraction BIC
  • PS SEM grids and ‘ralentisseur’
  • Which role plays the wall between PS and booster?

Presentation materials