9:00 AM
The Trouble with Hubble: signs of new physics?
Vivian Poulin
(LUPM, CNRS, France)
9:35 AM
Could the H0 Tension be Pointing Toward the Neutrino Mass Mechanism?
Miguel Escudero
(IFIC-University of Valencia)
9:55 AM
The Higgs instability during inflation
Jacopo Fumagalli
10:15 AM
CANCELED - Can primordial black holes constrain sub-millimeter gravity?
Yashar Akrami
11:00 AM
Stochastic gravitational-wave background
Mairi Sakellariadou
(King's College London)
11:35 AM
Detecting Dark Matter in the LISA era: Gravitational Waves from Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals
Bradley Kavanagh
(GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam)
11:55 AM
Effect of Fluctuating Fuzzy Dark Matter Haloes on Stellar Dynamics
Amr El-Zant
(Centre for Theoretical Physics, British University in Egypt)
12:15 PM
New cosmological tests of fundamental physics
Benjamin Wandelt