Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Paris-Amsterdam-London-Stockholm 9th meeting

from Wednesday 25 September 2019 (09:00) to Friday 27 September 2019 (17:00)
Jussieu campus of Sorbonne University, Paris, France (Amphi Charpak)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
25 Sept 2019
26 Sept 2019
27 Sept 2019
Thursday morning talks (until 12:20) (Amphi Charpak)
09:00 AMS-02 antiprotons are consistent with a secondary astrophysical origin - Dr Mathieu Boudaud (LPTHE Paris)   (Amphi Charpak)
09:20 Searching for dark matter with X-ray lines - Dr Kenny Chun Yu Ng (University of Amsterdam)   (Amphi Charpak)
09:40 Primordial Black Holes as Silver Bullets for New Physics at the Weak Scale - Dr Adam Coogan (University of Amsterdam)   (Amphi Charpak)
10:00 Angular power spectrum analysis on current and future high-energy neutrino data - Ariane Dekker (University of Amsterdam)   (Amphi Charpak)
10:20 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 A Unique Multi-Messenger Signal of QCD Axion Dark Matter - Dr Marco Chianese (GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam)   (Amphi Charpak)
11:20 Axion-photon conversion in the magnetosphere of a neutron star - Mikael Leroy   (Amphi Charpak)
11:40 GUM: GAMBIT Universal Models - Sanjay Bloor (Imperial College London)   (Amphi Charpak)
12:00 Machine Learning in Jet Physics - Sreedevi Varma   (Amphi Charpak)
Friday morning talks (until 12:50) (Amphi Charpak)
09:00 The Trouble with Hubble: signs of new physics? - Dr Vivian Poulin (LUPM, CNRS, France)   (Amphi Charpak)
09:35 Could the H0 Tension be Pointing Toward the Neutrino Mass Mechanism? - Miguel Escudero (IFIC-University of Valencia)   (Amphi Charpak)
09:55 The Higgs instability during inflation - Dr Jacopo Fumagalli (IAP)   (Amphi Charpak)
10:15 CANCELED - Can primordial black holes constrain sub-millimeter gravity? - Dr Yashar Akrami   (Amphi Charpak)
10:35 --- Coffee break ---
11:00 Stochastic gravitational-wave background - Prof. Mairi Sakellariadou (King's College London)   (Amphi Charpak)
11:35 Detecting Dark Matter in the LISA era: Gravitational Waves from Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals - Dr Bradley Kavanagh (GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam)   (Amphi Charpak)
11:55 Effect of Fluctuating Fuzzy Dark Matter Haloes on Stellar Dynamics - Prof. Amr El-Zant (Centre for Theoretical Physics, British University in Egypt)   (Amphi Charpak)
12:15 New cosmological tests of fundamental physics - Prof. Benjamin Wandelt   (Amphi Charpak)
Wednesday evening talks (until 17:50) (Amphi Charpak)
14:00 Dark matter in our galaxy - Prof. Joseph Silk (IAP)   (Amphi Charpak)
14:35 Machine learning techniques for strong lensing image analysis - Dr Christoph Weniger (University of Amsterdam)   (Amphi Charpak)
15:10 The Atmosphere as a Beam Dump - Prof. Malcolm Fairbairn (Physics, King's College London)   (Amphi Charpak)
15:45 --- Coffee break ---
16:10 Neutrinos and gamma rays from long-lived mediator decays in the Sun - Prof. Joakim Edsjo   (Amphi Charpak)
16:45 Emergent gravity - Prof. Erik Verlinde (Amsterdam, Netherlands)   (Amphi Charpak)
17:20 --- Discussion ---
18:30 --- Guided visit at Centre Pompidou ---
20:30 --- Dinner at restaurant Georges ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Thursday evening talks (until 17:40) (Amphi Charpak)
14:00 Paleo-Detectors for Galactic Supernova Neutrinos - Dr Patrick Stengel (Stockholm University)   (Amphi Charpak)
14:20 Dark matter searches with the DAMIC detector - Dr Romain Gaior (Chiba University)   (Amphi Charpak)
14:40 Direct Dark Matter Search wih the DarkSide Liquid Argon TPC - Anyssa Navrer-Agasson (LPNHE)   (Amphi Charpak)
15:00 21 cm cosmology and spin temperature reduction via spin-dependent dark matter interactions - Axel Widmark (Stockholm University)   (Amphi Charpak)
15:20 --- Coffee break ---
15:45 Effective electroweak baryogenesis - Dr Marieke Postma (nikhef)   (Amphi Charpak)
16:20 Baryogenesis from Modulus Decay - Dr Martin Winkler (Stockholm University)   (Amphi Charpak)
16:40 Gravitational waves from hot and cold hidden sectors - Alastair Wickens (King's College London)   (Amphi Charpak)
17:00 --- Discussion ---
18:00 --- Evening activity: Cruise / Pétanque / Apéro ---
13:00 --- Lunch ---
14:30 Free discussion and group work   ()