The trapped-ion quantum computer platform benefits from long coherence times [1] and high gate fidelities [2]. Due to the spectral density of motional modes, co-trapping and mutually controlling a large number of ionic qubits in a single trap is technically challenging. Therefore, large-scale trapped-ion quantum computers will require interfaces connecting many individual traps [3-5]. We present a photonic link entangling two Sr-88 ions trapped in physically separate systems with unprecedented fidelity and entangling rate, which renders entanglement distillation viable in future high-fidelity quantum networking applications.
With quantum computers available on a cloud-computing basis, the question of accessibility, privacy and information security arises. Measurement-based blind quantum computing [6] enables remote steering and control of quantum algorithms on a server without disclosing the details of the computation to the provider. We discuss a scheme to implement blind quantum computing experimentally via an optical fibre cable connecting a trapped-ion quantum computer with a client-controlled high-speed polarisation analyser.
[1] Y. Wang et al., Nature Photonics 11(10), 646 (2017).
[2] C. J. Ballance et al., Physical Review Letters 117(6), 1 (2016).
[3] D. Kielpinski et al., Nature 417(6890), 709 (2002).
[4] C. Monroe and J. Kim, Science 339(6124), 1164 (2013).
[5] B. Lekitsch et al., Science Advances 3(2), e1601540 (2017).
[6] J. F. Fitzsimons, npj Quantum Information 3(1), 23 (2017)