13–17 Jan 2020
Europe/Zurich timezone
Registration Closed!

How to Write a Good Journal Paper (or Thesis)

13 Jan 2020, 16:30
6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin (CERN)

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin


Esplanade des Particules 1 1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland
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Ray Boxman


The tutorial will present a recipe for writing good “research reports”, including theses, internal reports, and especially journal papers. The critical elements of each section of the “research report” will be reviewed, and content, organization, and style conventions will be discussed. The research report should be centered on a well defined “research question”. In the Introduction, the importance of a clear gap sentence and statement of purpose will be emphasized. The requirement for providing sufficient detail in the Methodology section for duplicating results will be explained. The differences in theoretical papers will be explained. The proper order for presenting Results – location, presentation, and comment - will be explained. The principle of heads-up display in technical drawings will be presented. The need to differentiate between results and interpretation will be emphasized. The organization of the discussion, from narrow comments to broad implications, will be presented, and appropriate language to express the relative certainty of explanations, i.e. from speculation to proof, will be explained. Answering the “research question” and summarizing the key results and their implications in terms of 3 points the author wishes the reader to remember will be suggested as the organizational mode for the Conclusions. The difference between an indicative and an informative Abstract will be explained, as well as the need for the latter. Finally, suggestions for interacting with journal editors and responding to reviewers’ comments will be presented.


Presentation materials