While three-dimensional sub-Doppler cooling of ions in a Paul trap has become routine, such cooling is harder to realise in a Penning trap. We have recently demonstrated optical sideband cooling of a single ion as well as the axial and planar configurations of a 2 ion crystal [1,2]. We will present preliminary results of the creation of a superposition of motional states to investigate...
Quantum networks promise the ultimate in secure connectivity providing channels of communication that are both tamper proof and tamper evident. A quantum network can be executed by remotely linking distance memory nodes comprising trapped-ion qubits via photon-based qubit interconnects. AFRL is pursuing a multi-pronged approach to develop in-house quantum networking capabilities that...
The trapped-ion quantum computer platform benefits from long coherence times [1] and high gate fidelities [2]. Due to the spectral density of motional modes, co-trapping and mutually controlling a large number of ionic qubits in a single trap is technically challenging. Therefore, large-scale trapped-ion quantum computers will require interfaces connecting many individual traps [3-5]. We...