Trapped ions are a promising basis for quantum computers. They feature excellent quantum gate fidelities, long coherence times, as well as the ability to shuttle the qubits around the processor, enabling near error-free and arbitrary qubit connectivity. As for any quantum hardware implementation, the physical quantum gate set available with trapped ions is limited - in this case with rotation...
Optical atomic frequency standards and clocks are continuing to push the boundaries of precision measurement with fractional frequency uncertainties from systematic offsets now below 1x10$^{-18}$ [1]. With this high level of performance comes the ability to not only carry out precision frequency metrology [2] but also to investigate fundamental physics such as local Lorentz invariance [3] and...
Trapped ions are a promising tool for building a large scale quantum computer. We present work towards a prototype demonstrating the key methods required to realise a scalable trapped-ion quantum computer architecture based on tileable, repeating modules [1].
To find practical applications, quantum computers need to scale significantly. A quantum computing architecture is best constructed...
Antihydrogen is routinely produced at CERN in a broad range of Rydberg states. The experiments located around the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) aim to perform precision measurements on these anti-atoms with a main focus on spectroscopy of ground-state atoms (1S-2S transition or GS-HFS) and to study gravitational interaction for which GS is also required to minimize the sensitivity of the H̄ to...
The field of quantum computing with trapped ions has seen many milestone achievements, the challenge for the future lies in scaling ion processors to qubit numbers capable of tackling interesting problems – without forgoing the high fidelities seen in smaller prototypes. One class of large-scale ion trapping architecture comprises dedicated regions for trapping, measurement, storage and...
Introduction: In the present, RF traps for charged particles containment get a widespread use as a tool for work with single particles, like spores [1]. Wherein trapping of the particle can occur in a vacuum and in a medium, which more suitable for biological and medical research [2]. The motion in dissipative medium gets special role in studying charged particle’s trajectories, because...
We report on a new experiment to demonstrate high-fidelity quantum logic operations, towards a scalable quantum computing architecture, based on designs put forth by Lekitsch et al.[1]. To realise the scalability conditions per reference [1], micro-fabricated, surface ion traps are required to create a modular, planar array on which quantum computation can be carried out. This approach...
Two-qubit gates with high fidelities are an essential ingredient to perform universal operations on a quantum information processor.
One promising candidate to implement such a device are trapped ions in microfabricated surface-electrode ion traps as envisioned by the QCCD architecture [1, 2].
In this approach, the quantum information is encoded in the electronic spin states of the ions,...
The aim of the ALPHA experiment at CERN is to trap cold atomic antihydrogen, study its properties, and ultimately to perform precision comparison between the hydrogen and antihydrogen atomic spectra. Recently the collaboration has reached important milestones, from demonstrating the ability to trap and confine neutral cold antihydrogen, to performing precision spectroscopic measurements with...
We designed a micro-segmented planar ion trap for trapping atomic ions in a 2-dimensional array by electrodynamic fields. The electrode structures allow for varying the ion-surface separation. Additionally, the trap chip has resonant structures incorporated to enhance microwave-frequency magnetic fields, which will be used for all coherent operations on the hyperfine manifold of $^{171}$Yb$^+$...
We aim at realization of an optical frequency standard with barium ion (Ba$^+$). The $^2$S$_{1/2}$ $(F = 2,m_F = 0)$ - $^2$D$_{3/2}$ $(F = 0,m_F = 0)$ clock transition in odd isotopes $^{135}$Ba$^+$ or $^{137}$Ba$^+$ is insensitive to quadrupole electric field[1]. Therefore, it is possible to improve the frequency stability by increase of the number of ions without degradation of...
Shortcuts to Adiabaticity (STA) are a collection of quantum control techniques that allow perfect state transfer for certain quantum systems. In this work we develop and apply a new analytic extension to existing Shortcuts to Adiabaticity (STA) techniques, termed enhanced Shortcuts to Adiabaticity (eSTA). This new method works for previously intractable Hamiltonians by creating an analytic...
Octupole and other multipole ion traps are widely used as precision devices for ion transport and localization. In particular, octupole ion guides have found application in particle accelerators, the Orbitrap mass analyzer, and other complex setups. The multipole field is formed in a standard fashion as in a quadrupole Paul trap design, but with additional electrodes. In both quadrupole traps...
The Geonium Chip group (University of Sussex, UK) is in the process of building a unique scalable Penning Trap for use in quantum technology. We present an innovative PCB-chip-based Penning Trap system for quantum-non-demolition measurements of single microwave photons.
One such innovation is the design, build and implementation of a planar magnetic field source whose field may be changed...
High resolution spectroscopy of molecular nitrogen ions is a prime candidate to measure potential temporal changes in the proton-to-electron mass ratio, $\mu$ [1].
Ion traps facilitate a high degree of localisation in a highly isolated and stable environment. In addition, the shared motional modes of ions co-trapped in the same potential enable techniques such as sympathetic cooling [2] and...
Towards Remote Entanglement of Trapped Ion Systems
Cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED) with trapped ions are a strong candidate for the implementation of distributive quantum computing [1]. A prerequisite for deterministic control of the ion-photon system is the strong coupling between the atomic ion and the optical cavity. This was recently achieved for the first time at Sussex with an...
In CERN’s Alpha Experiment, clouds of positrons and anti-protons are merged to produce anti-hydrogen. The issue of low antimatter yield from this experiment has been addressed by various design alternatives in past, among which a proposal to use a two-frequency ion trap is probably the newest [1]. Here I present a concept of a new experiment that takes this technology and applies it to a...
By exploiting narrow optical transitions in trapped atoms, optical clocks have surpassed the frequency stability and accuracy of caesium microwave clocks, the current standard for the SI second, by up to two orders of magnitude [1]. With more progress on the horizon, it is anticipated that the SI second will soon be redefined in terms of an optical frequency standard [2].
For frequency...