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Graph Net::work::shop

3179 IdeaSquare (CERN)

3179 IdeaSquare


Daniel Dobos (gluoNNet & THE Port)

Graph Net::work::shop

A workshop on graph network technologies

Data Science - Visual Analytics - Network Analysis - Graph networks in HEP - Graph Quantum Computing and QML*

If you want to learn more about the job of a machine learning expert, data scientist, engineer or analyst in the field of Big Data, this event is for you!

We will present several Graph Analytics use-cases and pilots explored  in collaboration with international organisation, non-governmental organisation, academic and industrial partners.


  • Stefan Haselwimmer, Cambridge
  • Mathis Gerdes, LMU & TU Munich
  • Andrea Martini, gluoNNet Association
  • Jean-Roch Vlimant, Caltech
  • Maria Grigorieva, Home Institute M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Richard Forster, CERN
  • Wen Guan, University of Wisconsin
  • Johanna Eschment & Kai Kaefer, Internatsschule Schloss Hansenberg
  • Daniel Dobos, gluoNNet & University Lancaster

  • Abhijay Gupta
  • Abhishikth Mallampalli
  • Andrea Martini
  • Andreas Salzburger
  • Andres Vargas Hernandez
  • Anjali Tarun
  • Aurélie Lawarée
  • Basem Khanji
  • Benjamin Krikler
  • Cenk Tuysuz
  • Conett Huerta Escamilia
  • Daniel Dobos
  • Daniela Chávez
  • David Usher
  • Dejan Golubovic
  • Eileen Giesel
  • Georgios Kaklamanos
  • Giacomo Fedi
  • Giorgia Giulia Evangelista
  • Giovanni Franzoni
  • Hok-Chuen "Tom" Cheng
  • Ilias Koutsakis
  • Jan Iven
  • Jan Iwaszkiewicz
  • Joao Coelho
  • Jonas Arroyo Garcia
  • Juan Lopez-Villarejo
  • Julian Glatzer
  • Karolos Potamianos
  • Kristiane Bernhard-Novotny
  • Leonid Didukh
  • Léonard Duret
  • Maciej Pawel Szymanski
  • Mantas Stankevicius
  • Manuel Gonzalez Berges
  • Mathis Gerdes
  • Michael Schenk
  • Miljan Petrovic
  • Mitchell Phiri
  • Nicolas Gninenko
  • Noemi Caraban
  • Olga Kalinowska
  • Onesimo Mtintsilana
  • Petar Tonkovic
  • Peter Griffiths
  • Philip Egger
  • Rafael Teixeira De Lima
  • Raul Garcia Martinez
  • Ricardo Gomes
  • Rishabh Uniyal
  • Sitong An
  • Sourabha Bhat
  • Thomas Holene Loekkeborg
  • Tina Beattie
  • Wassef Karimeh