Double parton scattering in jet production processes

18 Nov 2019, 09:50
Double Parton Scattering Double Parton Scattering


Oleh Fedkevych (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)


A composite nature of hadrons leads to a complicated structure of the underlying event in hadronic collisions. In particular it give rise to a possibility to have two hard interactions per one hadron-hadron collision, so called double parton scattering (DPS) phenomenon. Among different possible DPS production processes the four-jet DPS production is of particular interest due to a high jet abundance in proton-proton collisions at the LHC.
In this talk, I will consider the four-jet DPS production in proton-proton collisions. In particular, I will discuss the impact of the initial and final state radiation on various DPS sensitive distributions as well as various sets of cuts to increase the fraction of DPS events.

Primary author

Anna Kulesza (University of Muenster)

Presentation materials