Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Aims, Scope, Activities and Submissions

  • Aims: The IWARA 2020 Video Conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, professors, students, and research scholars for exchanging experiences and research results and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, practical challenges, and solutions adopted in the research fields within the scope of the conference.
  • Scope: The IWARA 2020 Video Conference offers to the participants a platform for scientific and academic projects, partnerships and presentation of high-quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results on the topics:

    New phenomena and new states of matter in the Universe; General relativity, gravitation, cosmology; New directions for general relativity: past, present and future of general relativity; Alternative theories and extensions to general relativity; FRW cosmologies; Cosmic microwave background radiation; First stars, hypernovae, and faint supernovae in the early Universe; Active galactic nuclei; Quantum gravity and quantum cosmology; Higgs boson, and the strength of gravity; Astroparticle physics, elementary particles of astronomical origin and their relation to astrophysics and cosmology; Gravity and the unification of fundamental interactions; Supersymmetry and Inflation; String theory; White dwarfs, neutron stars and pulsars; Black hole physics and astrophysics; Supermassive Black holes; Neutron stars, black stars and black holes as laboratories for testing strong gravity; Gamma-ray emission in the Universe; High energy cosmic rays; Gravitational waves; Gravitational-wave Astronomy; Dark energy and dark matter; Strange matter and strange stars; Antimatter in the Universe; High-energy cosmic neutrinos; Blazars; Quasars; Quantum chromodynamics, nuclear and particle physics and new states of matter in the Universe; Heavy ion collisions and the formation of the quark-gluon plasma in heavy ion collisions and in the first instants of the Universe; Strong magnetic fields in the Universe; Strong magnetic fields in compact stars and in galaxies; Ultra-strong magnetic fields in neutron star mergers, quark stars and magnetars; Strong magnetic fields and the cosmic microwave background; Laboratories, observatories, telescopes and other experimental and observational facilities that will define the future directions of astrophysics, astronomy, cosmology, nuclear and astroparticle physics as well as the future of physics at the energy frontiers, and topics related to these.
  • Activities: The IWARA 2020 Video Conference consists of the following activities:
    • Live Plenary Talks. From 08:00AM to 12:30AM (Mexico City time zone) the event will offer daily synchronous Live Plenary Talks with keynote speakers. The lectures will last 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questionings. At the end of each session there will be a topic review lecture lasting 45 minutes and an additional 15 minutes for discussions. The Live Plenary Talks will be recorded, stored and accessible to other participants in the YouTube IWARA Channel.
    • Video-Recorded Talks and Presentations. The recorded-videos must have a maximum of 20 minutes and shall contain essential elements of the participant's research. Participants of the Video-Recorded Talks and Presentations are invited to prepare a 3-slides contribution in PDF format to be inserted into a dynamical video-synthesis that will be disclosed during the Conference-Breaks and on the IWARA Platforms. The suggested format of the 3-slides PDF contributions is the following: the 1st slide shall contain a presentation of the author with name, e-mail address, affiliation plus institutional logo (recommended), IWARA2020 logo (recommended), photo of the author (recommended but not mandatory), title of the contribution, short abstract; the 2nd slide must contain the main question or problem treated in the contribution and the main approach in finding solutions to the proposed problem; the 3rd slide shall contain the key results and main conclusions as well as key plots and equations (when it applies).
    • Virtual Poster Sessions. Details for poster submission can be found in the section "Virtual Poster Sessions".
  • Submissions: Recorded lectures and presentations as well as the 3-slides PDF contribution may be submitted by uploading them to Dropbox,  Drive,  WeTransfer, ZOOM or a similar hosting service and then sharing a link with the Organizing Committee by sending an e-mail to: