TPC Mini Workshop

from Thursday 11 July 2019 (09:00) to Friday 12 July 2019 (17:35)
CERN (160/1-009)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
11 Jul 2019
12 Jul 2019
09:00 Welcome and introduction - Harald Appelshaeuser (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))   (160/1-009)
Experiment introduction (until 12:00) (160/1-009)
09:10 ALICE: TPC upgrade overview - Jens Wiechula (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))   (160/1-009)
10:00 sPHENIX: overview (Physics Goals + Detector components) - Takao Sakaguchi (BNL)   (160/1-009)
10:30 sPHENIX: TPC design, calibration, testbeam - Thomas Hemmick Thomas Hemmick (Stony Brook University)   (160/1-009)
11:00 DUNE: Dear Near Detector Overview - Alan David Bross (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) Alan Bross (Fermilab)   (160/1-009)
11:30 DUNE: A HP Gas TPC as neutrino target - Jennifer Raaf (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)) Jennifer Raaf (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   (160/1-009)
Topical Discussions (until 11:00) (160/1-009)
09:00 DUNE: ECAL reconstruction - Dr Eldwan Erwan Brianne (DESY) Eldwan Brianne (DESY)   (160/1-009)
09:40 DUNE: Intrinsic t0 via fluorescence in gas TPCs - Diego Gonzalez Diaz (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))   (160/1-009)
10:20 DUNE: neutrino-hydrogen interactions with a hydrocarbon-gas TPC - Dr Xianguo Lu (University of Oxford) Xianguo Lu   (160/1-009)
11:00 --- Coffee ---
Topical Discussions (until 14:20) (160/1-009)
11:20 ALICE: Tracking and computing resources - David Rohr (CERN)   (160/1-009)
12:05 sPHENIX: track reconstruction and performance - Christof Roland (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))   (160/1-009)
12:50 DUNE: GArSoft - HP Gas TPC software environment - Tom Junk (Department of Physics) Tom Junk (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))   (160/1-009)
13:35 Material from discussions - Marian Ivanov (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   (160/1-009)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Topical Discussions (until 16:00) (160/1-009)
14:00 ALICE: Calibration overview - Jens Wiechula (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))   (160/1-009)
14:45 ALICE: Space-charge calibration overview - Ernst Hellbar (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))   (160/1-009)
15:30 sPHENIX: Space Charge Monitoring using Micromegas tracking chambers - Maxence Vandenbroucke (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   (160/1-009)
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Topical Discussions (until 18:00) (160/1-009)
16:30 ALICE: Readout hardware - Christian Lippmann (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   (160/1-009)
17:15 sPHENIX: readout and computing resources - Martin Lothar Purschke (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)) Chris Pinkenburg   (160/1-009)
19:30 --- Social dinner ---