Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

2–6 Dec 2019
Australia/Sydney timezone

The Migdal effect and bremsstrahlung in effective field theories of dark matter scattering

5 Dec 2019, 15:50
SNH 4002 (Messel)

SNH 4002 (Messel)

Oral Dark matter Parallel


Dr Jayden Newstead (Purdue University)


Creative ideas for extending the reach of large scale dark matter direct detection experiments to low mass WIMPs include exploiting inelastic detection channels. Two examples are the Migdal effect (atomic ionization) and photon bremsstrahlung from the recoiling nucleus. We calculated these effects for a variety of momentum- and spin-dependent dark matter interactions described by non-relativistic effective field theories. In addition we have calculated these effects for coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering, we compare these rates with the elastic nuclear and electronic scattering rates. Lastly, I will show detailed detector simulations of the Migdal effect that will be used to faithfully evaluate the effects impact on future experiments.

Primary authors

Dr Jayden Newstead (Purdue University) Nicole Bell (University of Melbourne) James Dent (Sam Houston State University) Thomas Weiler (Vanderbilt University) Dr Subir Sabharwal

Presentation materials