18–22 Nov 2019
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Asia/Kolkata timezone

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN has been extremely successful in unravelling the physics at the subatomic level to unprecedented accuracy.  The discovery of Higgs boson at the LHC is one of the mile stones in high energy physics.  The physics studies to understand its couplings and the properties will not only shed light on the details of the SM but also hint to physics beyond the SM.  In addition, top quark physics and related precision measurements at the LHC will be paramount importance to understand the nature of fundamental interactions.

Computation of various important observables within the frame work of quantum field theory will be extremely important to understand the data from the LHC.  Precise predictions from SM and BSM scenarios taking into account various higher order quantum effects as well as the experimental constraints have become a challenging task for the theorists. This school aims to provide exposure to the young graduate students and post doctoral fellows various aspects of these computations through a state-of-the-art tool namely MadGraph5_aMc@NLO in great detail.

MadGraph5_aMC@NLO is the new version of both MadGraph5 and aMC@NLO that unifies the leading order (LO) and next to leading order (NLO) computations using the automated tools within the MadGraph family.  MadGraph5_aMC@NLO provides the elements necessary for SM and beyond the SM phenomenology. This includes the computations of cross sections,      the generation of hard events and their matching with event generators, and the use of a variety of tools relevant to event manipulation and analysis.  Using this, one can simulate processes to LO accuracy for any user-defined Lagrangian, and to the NLO accuracy in QCD to SM processes.

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Alladi Ramakrishnan Hall
C.I.T. Campus, Taramani Chennai-600113 India

Participation is by invitation.   

The registration fee of Rs 2000 will be collected at the time of registration from the registered participants.