18–22 Nov 2019
The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Software installation

In order to be efficient during the time of the school, we would like to ask you to install all the software packages that you will need during the school in advance.
If you have any difficulties, please contact Olivier Mattelaer at the following address: olivier.mattelaer@uclouvain.be.

  • Windows

    Recent version of windows now support running unix kernel (in this case ubuntu).  You will need to use it in order to complete the tutorial.  This means having run the following command

    sudo apt-get install python gcc gfortran gmake wget perl vi

    Then you can follow the Linux instructions

  • Linux


    1. Basic requirements   Those programs are by default present in any linux distribution,
        but just in case you should check that they are all installed in your computer. If they are not,
        you can use apt-get/yum/... in order to have those.


      The following python package are not mandatory for running MG5aMC but allowed nice feature (including plots, ...) You can install those via "pip install numpy matplotlib"
      • perl
      • python2.7 (or python2.6)
      • bash
      • vi (or emacs or vim)
      • gfortran (at least 4.x)
      • numpy
      • matplotlib
    2. Madgraph5_aMC@NLO
          You will find madgraph5 package on the following page:  https://launchpad.net/madgraph5.
          For this program, you just need to untar it.
          To check if mg5 is correctly install you directly try to run it by doing:
          If you don't have a valid python version. It will fail directly.
    3. Pythia8/MadAnalysis5/looptools/...
         In order to install those programs, you need to launch mg5 (./bin/mg5_aMC) and then type

         install pythia8
         install MadAnalysis5
         install looptools
         install maddm
         install heppmc
    4. FeynRules
      • Mathematica      This program is NOT free, but your university should have the possibility to provide a license for you. Please contact your IT team.
      • FeynRules
      •      Please download the Feynrule package (mathematica package): http://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/downloads/feynrules-current.tar.gz
  • MacOS

    Note that MacOS Catalina is not yet supported (We have not yet tested it yet). Otherwise, requirements/steps are the same as for linux. But for the following couple of points:
    • Root You can find pre-compiled version of Root for mac at this address: https://root.cern.ch/content/release-61804
    • gfortran You can download it from : http://hpc.sourceforge.net/ (and follow the instructions on how to install it -- just untar it)
    • Xcode
      • You need to install the command line tools of xcode (include the possbilities to run "make"/... For this you can run in a terminal the command: xcode-select --install