20–24 Sept 2010
Aachen, Germany
Europe/Zurich timezone

The NA62 straw detector read-out system

21 Sept 2010, 11:25
Hörsaal III

Hörsaal III

Oral Systems. Planning, installation, commissioning and running experience Systems, planning, installation, commissioning and running experience


Peter Lichard (CERN)


The NA62 straw detector, made of 7200 cylindrical straws, is a combined spectrometer and veto detector, which is part of the NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS accelerator. A new version of the full read-out system has been designed and tested on a detector prototype. A description of this system will be given, as well as test results and plan for future scaling.


The NA62 straw detector is a gaseous detector consisting of 7200 drift 2.1 meter long tubes organized in 4 stations, each station having 4 views. It aims at providing tracking information with a good resolution and a charged particle veto signal. The drift time measurement performed on the front-end electronics is indispensable for good tracking resolution.
A new prototype of the read-out chain has been developed, constructed and tested. The on-detector electronics consists of an 8 channel analogue front end chip containing a fast preamplifier, a tail cancellation circuitry, base line restorer and a discriminator, followed by a FPGA-based read-out chips including a 1ns time to digital converter and the readout protocol to extract the data and transfer them to common NA62 readout module.
A complete description of the different components of this chain is given, as well as test beam results.

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