3rd Joint International Conference on Hyperfine Interactions and International Symposium on Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions
All the preprints from HFI2012 (and also HFI2010) are available on a dedicated mini-site, which can be found here.
- Guido Langouche
- Krish Bharuth-Ram
Abstract Template |
Book of Abstracts |
Conference Logo |
Conference Photo |
Material related to producing the manuscript for HFI2010 Proceedings |
Poster |
Poster sessions |
Topics HFI/NQI conferences are devoted to all aspects of hyperfine interaction detected by nuclear radiation and to nuclear quadrupole interactions detected by resonance methods.
Sessions will be devoted to:
- Theory: Hyperfine Interactions, Nuclear Moments
- Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - Bulk and thin Layers
- Semiconductors, Metals and Insulators
- Biology, Chemistry, Medicine - Lattice Dynamics, Ion-Solid Interaction
- Surfaces, Interfaces, Thin Films, Nano-structures
- Atoms and Ions
- Resonance Methods
- Coherent Phenomena, Synchrotron Radiation, Quantum Optics
- Nuclear Moments, Nuclear Polarization, Nuclear Models, Fundamental Interactions
- New Directions and Developments in Methodology
You are invited to pre-register by contacting the HFI2010 Secretariat by email via hfi2010@cern.ch in order to be kept further informed on this event. Please include full details of your institution and address in your email (a normal e-signature will suffice).
Abstract submission is now open, click on the call for abstracts link above. Please note that you will have to register for a "lightweight" CERN computer account to submit an abstract. Detailed instructions are contained in the Call for Abstracts section.