20–24 Sept 2010
Aachen, Germany
Europe/Zurich timezone

FPGA-based readout for double-sided silicon strip detectors

23 Sept 2010, 16:00



Mr Robert Schnell (HISKP, University Bonn)


This work presents an FPGA-based readout system for double-sided silicon strip sensors based on the APV25 Frontend-Chip. The system consists of an ADC-card and a digital readout board containing an FPGA. Data extraction algorithms implemented in the FPGA allow baseline and pedestal correction, hit detection and event-building. These algorithms provide an efficient data reduction tool and high readout rates. Details of the system, the algorithms applied and performance will be discussed using data collected in various tests experiments. The work was supported by EU Dirac FP6 and BMBF.

Primary author

Mr Robert Schnell (HISKP, University Bonn)


Mr Hans Georg Zaunick (HISKP, University Bonn) Mr Kai-Thomas Brinkmann (HISKP, University Bonn) Mr Karsten Koop (HISKP, University Bonn) Mr Maximilian Becker (HISKP, University Bonn) Mr Thomas Würschig (HISKP, University Bonn)

Presentation materials