20–24 Sept 2010
Aachen, Germany
Europe/Zurich timezone

Front end electronics for Hybrid Avalanche Photo Diode

23 Sept 2010, 16:00


Poster ASICs POSTERS Session


Mr Andrej Seljak (Jožef Stefan institute, Ljubljana Slovenia)


For the upgrade of the Belle detector (Belle-II) at the KEK collider, we are developing a proximity focusing ring imaging Cherenkov detector using aerogel as radiator, which will allow efficient separation of kaons from pions in the wide range of particle momenta up to 4Gev/c. One of the photon detector candidates (which has to operate in a strong magnetic field of 1.5T) is a HAPD of proximity focusing type with 144 channels. The present work discusses the design and implementation of the special front end electronics for this device. The analog signals from HAPDs will be first fed into Asic chips having amplification, shaping and comparator capabilities for 36 channel per chip. The HAPD readout will consist of 4 readout chips and an FPGA which will allow efficient data compression and transfer. The design has to take into account very limited space available and very harsh environment. We will present the bench test measurements of the HAPD prototype front end electronics.


Mr Andrej Seljak (Jožef Stefan institute, Ljubljana Slovenia)


Dr H. Ikeda (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Saganihara city, Japan) Dr Ichiro Adachi (High energy accelerator research, Tsukuba Japan) Dr Nishida Shohei (High energy accelerator research, Tsukuba Japan) Prof. Peter Krizan (Jožef Stefan institute, Ljubljana Slovenia) Dr Rok Pestotnik (Jožef Stefan institute, Ljubljana Slovenia) Mr S. Iwata (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan) Prof. Samo Korpar (Jožef Stefan institute, Ljubljana Slovenia) Dr T. Sumiyoshi (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)

Presentation materials