20–30 Apr 2020
Virtual/Digital only workshop
Europe/Paris timezone


This page talks about proceedings submissions for CTD2020. We strongly encourage everyone to write and submit a paper based on their contribution! Proceedings will be peer reviewed by CTD/WIT IAC committee and published online. Submission deadline is June 12, 2020.

Suggested page limits, including the title page:

  • 8 pages if you had a 25+5 minute talk
  • 6 pages if you had a 15+5 minute talk
  • 4 pages if you had a 10+5 minute talk (originally a poster)

The papers for the proceedings should be prepared using either the LaTeX template or the Word template.

Submitting is easy. Please find your way to your contribution, and you should see a "upload paper" button there. Click it, and upload your paper. That will automatically trigger the review process and reminders on our end. Do not hesitate to contact us with questions at ctd2020-loc@iris-hep.org. And please be sure to use the above template!

The deadline for the proceedings submission is June 12, 2020.