This talk is intended to be a general introduction to the magnet designs and relevant aspects of the requirements, in particular the ones related to powering and optics.
This talk presents a global view on the baseline of the HL-LHC circuits and a synopsis of the choices that were made to reach it. An important milestone for the definition of the circuits was the CERN Internal Review of the HL-LHC Magnet Circuits in March 2017. This review outcome and the implementation of the follow-up of the recommendations will be also presented.
The cold powering configurations are presented in this talk. From current leads to the connection to the bus bars in the cold masses, through the superconducting link, this talk includes a description of the baseline including the requirements and the applied solutions. The present design status in terms of feedboxes is also included in the talk.
This talk contains a description of the variety of bus bars proposed for the connections from cold powering equipment to the actual magnet terminals. The rationale behind the different choices as well as the present baseline for splices and their location will be discussed.
How the quench detection is going to be performed on the different s.c. parts of the circuits? What hardware is going to be used? A discussion of the requirements and performance of the hardware will be presented. This talk includes a discussion on the required instrumentation expected for a dependable quench detection.
The different subsystems composing the quench protection system (other than the quench detectors) are presented in this talk. Namely, cold diodes, quench heater power supplies, energy extraction systems and CLIQ units are reviewed. The relevant aspects required for a dependable quench protection are discussed in this talk.
The design of the feeders serving the IFS CLIQ and k-mod systems to fulfil their thermo-electric, mechanical and cryogenic requirements will be presented. The routing of the related feedthroughs and ancillary equipment for connection at their warm and cold ends will be illustrated.
The contribution of the power converters to the protection of the circuits will be presented in the talk. Mainly, the crowbar systems will be described in addition to their operation. The resistance values of the crowbars and the different discharge curves in the case of power aborts will be shown in particular for the inner triplet circuit.
Spurious firing of the protection equipment can introduce an additional magnetic field to the magnets and can affect the beam trajectory. This talk will describe the effects of the protection equipment on the beam and the foreseen mitigations for the machine protection.
An overview of the integration studies in the different underground areas and the corresponding baseline will be presented.
A review of the baseline for the voltage test levels which are to be used within the qualification of insulations in the different magnet systems, as well as the evolution of the applied criteria will be discussed.
This talk presents the relevant results coming from tests performed on model, prototype and series magnets. The talk focuses on electrical integrity and quench protection tests, which are appropriate to the qualification of the insulation system and the quench protection strategy. In particular, the evolution of the quench heater insulation will be discussed.
This talk presents the relevant results coming from tests performed on model and prototype magnets. The talk focuses on electrical integrity and quench protection tests, which are appropriate to the qualification of the insulation system and the quench protection strategy. In particular, the evolution of the quench heater insulation will be discussed.
This talk presents the relevant results coming from tests performed on model and prototype magnets. The talk focuses on electrical integrity and quench protection tests, which are appropriate to the qualification of the insulation system and the quench protection strategy.
The Magnet Circuit Forum has created, collected and managed the documentation for the HL-LHC magnet circuits and related studies. This talk will present the documentation plan for the HL-LHC magnet circuit and the strategy of the management of the change in accordance to the HL-LHC Project Documentation Plan.
The complete systems’ validation in a full scale Inner Triplet String will be presented, including the proposed test programme, the schedule and the expected outcome.