International Review of HL-LHC Magnet Circuits

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium (CERN)

30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium


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Akira Yamamoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))

Mandate and objectives:

The Panel is invited:

  • To review the final layout of the HL-LHC magnet circuits including the aspects related to powering and quench protection strategies, making sure that the right choices have been made both in terms of circuit optimization and protection reliability; 
  • To review the adequacy of the protection of the circuits for the different configurations that are adopted in order to assure safe commissioning and operation with beam. This aspect includes protection in case of quenches, failures of various components or of systems, effects of protection equipment to beam, protection of power converters, etc.; 
  • To review the integration of equipment respecting installation and maintainability requirements; 
  • To review the proposed instrumentation for protection and the ancillary equipment (feeders, feedthroughs, etc.) and its test in operational conditions in the IT String; 
  • To assess on the Electrical Quality Assurance strategy of cold/warm equipment and circuits, making sure that insulation coordination is properly established. 

While this is mainly a technically oriented review, (managerial aspects are reviewed by special Cost & Schedule Reviews) the Panel may comment on the level of integration and collaboration between various Work packages and teams participating to the circuits design and realization.  

Review Panel Members: Akira Yamamoto (KEK-CERN-Chair), Hans-Jörg Eckoldt (DESY), Jim Strait (FNAL), Neil Michell (ITER), Paolo Fessia (CERN) and Steve Gourlay (LBNL).

Link person: Felix Rodriguez Mateos 
Scientific Secretary: Samer Yammine

Dates and Place: The review is scheduled from 9 September to 10 September 2019 at CERN, room 30/7-018.

Charges: See attached document.
