Association Physique-Outremer

from Saturday 31 August 2019 (18:00) to Thursday 5 September 2019 (08:15)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
31 Aug 2019
1 Sept 2019
2 Sept 2019
3 Sept 2019
4 Sept 2019
5 Sept 2019
Welcome cocktail (until 07:00) ()
Popular Science Lectures 1 (in French) (until 06:30) ()
04:30 L’Histoire de l’Univers Reconstituée - François Bouchet   ()
05:30 Question/Reponse   ()
01:20 --- Coffee break ---
Young physicist (until 03:05) ()
01:50 The Key Science Projects of the Cherenkov Telescope Array - Germán Gómez-Vergas   ()
02:20 ATLAS search for dark matter produced in association with a hadronically decaying vector boson - Wei Wang   ()
02:35 ATLAS search for an invisibly decaying Higgs boson produced via vector boson fusion - Vincent Kitali   ()
02:50 CMS CT-PPS physics results and prospects - Justin Williams   ()
Conference dinner (until 08:30) ()
Popular Science Lectures 2 (in French) (until 06:30) ()
04:30 L’Univers est-il une illusion? - François Bouchet   ()
05:30 Question/Reponse   ()
01:00 --- Coffee break ---
Concluding remarks (until 03:10) ()
01:30 Dark Matter - Eric Charles   ()
02:00 Dark Energy - Tim Eifler   ()
02:30 Cosmology (Neutrino, Gravity and Black Holes) - Yasunori Nomura   ()
Registration (until 19:00) ()
Welcome (until 20:20) ()
19:00 Welcome: Deputy Chairman of the Guadeloupe Regional Council - Ms Marie-Luce Penchard Mr Ary Chalus   ()
19:15 Welcome: President of University of Antilles - Prof. Eustase Janky   ()
19:30 Review on departments activities in faculty of sciences - Prof. Alain Pietrus   ()
19:45 Welcome and practical informations - Dr Betty Calpas   ()
20:00 Questions to be addressed at this conference - Prof. Pierre Petroff   ()
20:20 --- Coffee break ---
Session 1 : The cosmos as a particle detector (until 03:05) ()
20:45 The Planck experiment status and prospects - François Bouchet (IAP Paris)   ()
21:20 Supernovae status and prospects - Mickael Rigault (IPNL Lyon)   ()
21:55 Weak lensing status and prospects - Danielle Leonard   ()
22:30 --- Lunch break ---
23:30 Galaxy Clustering and BAO status and prospects - Bruce Hoeneisen (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)   ()
00:05 Gravitational Waves status and prospects - Laura Cadonati   ()
00:50 --- Coffee break ---
01:20 Gamma rays signature of dark matter in the CTA era - Aldo Morselli (INFN)   ()
01:55 Interplay between Cosmology, Particle Physics and Astrophysics - Aaron Vincent (Imperial College London)   ()
02:30 Multi-messengers astronomy status and prospects - Brian Humensky (Columbia University)   ()
Session 2: Dark Matter (until 03:25) ()
18:00 Dark Matter a critical review (Theory) - Marcela Carena (Fermilab)   ()
18:35 Dark Matter and Higgs physics - Ian Moss   ()
19:10 Direct DM searches status and prospects - Prof. Alexander Belyaev (University of Southampton & Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)   ()
19:45 Indirect DM Searches status and prospects - Eric Charles (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))   ()
20:20 --- Coffee break ---
20:50 DM searches at ATLAS status and prospects - Mario Martinez Perez   ()
21:25 DM searches at CMS status and prospects - Guillelmo Gomez-Ceballos (MIT)   ()
22:00 CMS Searches for Dark Matter with Heavy Quarks or Jets - Tommaso Dorigo   ()
22:35 --- Lunch break ---
00:00 Unravelling the mystery of dark mater annual modulation - Davide d’Angelo   ()
00:35 Most recent results from XENON1T dark matter detector - Marcello Messina (NYU-AD)   ()
01:10 The DM puzzle: Are WIMPS still alive ? - Gilles Gerbier   ()
01:55 --- Coffee break ---
02:25 Round table: Dark matter or something else? - Moderated by Gilles Gerbier and Kazuhiko Hara   ()
Session 2: Dark Matter (until 19:35) ()
18:00 Probing New Parameter Space in Dark Matter Detection - Christoforos Kouvaris   ()
18:25 Search for Ultra-low Mass Dark Matter - Laurent Chevalier   ()
19:00 DM and extra dimension - Christophe Royon   ()
Session 3: Neutrino Cosmology (until 01:20) ()
19:35 B-physics anomalies, Lepton Universality Violation and Cosmology - Diego Guadagnoli   ()
20:10 --- Coffee break ---
20:40 Leptonic CP Violation and matter-antimatter in the Universe - Serguey Petcov   ()
21:15 Constraints on neutrino masses from cosmological observations - Bruce Hoeneisen   ()
21:45 Neutrino detectors status and prospects - Mark Messier (IU)   ()
22:30 --- Lunch break ---
23:45 Multimessenger astrophysics: the ultra high-energy picture with the Pierre Auger Observatory - Stephane Coutu   ()
00:20 ANDES project - Xavier Bertou (CNEA/CONICET)   ()
00:50 Neutrino telescope: IceCube results and prospects - Prof. Juan Antonio Aguilar Sanchez (Université Libre de Bruxelles)   ()
Session3: Dark Energy (until 03:20) ()
18:45 Evidence for accelerated expansion of the Universe: current observations - Tim Eifler   ()
19:30 Large scale structure of the Universe and future experiments for Dark Energy - Anne Ealet   ()
20:15 --- Coffee break ---
20:45 Dark Energy and Tachyons, and Cosmic Ray Showers - Mike Albrow   ()
21:15 Concordance model and tension in the Hubble constant - Adam Riess   ()
22:00 --- Lunch break ---
00:00 On the tension between LSS and CMB - Marian Douspis   ()
00:40 Is expansion simulated by the structure of the Universe? - Thomas Buchert   ()
01:25 Dark energy Acceleration of the Universe with Variable Gravitational Mass - Nick Gorkavyi   ()
02:05 --- Coffee break ---
02:35 Reverse Engineering of the Universe - Andrei Linde   ()
Session 4 (until 01:00) ()
18:00 Exploring fundamental Physics with Gravitational Waves - Archil Kobakhidze   ()
18:45 Primordial Black holes - Juan Garcia-Bellido   ()
19:30 Supergravity and Cosmology - Renata Kallosh   ()
20:15 --- Coffee break ---
20:45 Eternally inflating multiverse and many worlds in quantum mechanics: same concept? - Yasunori Nomura   ()
21:25 Testing the Quantum Coherent Behavior of Gravity - Sougato Bose   ()
22:05 --- Lunch break ---
00:00 Quantum Insights on Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter - Francesca Vidotto   ()
00:30 The dark side of gravity and the acceleration of the Universe - Frederic Henry-Couannier   ()