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Town Hall KM3NeT Meeting

Amphiteatre Gastaut

Amphiteatre Gastaut

Aix-Marseille Université Jardin du Pharo 58 Boulevard Charles Livon, 13007 Marseille
Damien DORNIC (CPPM), Paschal Anthony Coyle (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)), Vincent Bertin

The KM3NeT Collaboration is organizing a Town Hall Meeting to promote its multi-messenger programs. KM3NeT is instrumenting two deep-sea neutrino detectors in the Mediterranean Sea, a low energy site ORCA in France (3 GeV; 10 TeV) and a high energy site ARCA in Italy (~1 TeV; >10 PeV).  The construction is in progress on both sites, and by mid of 2020, a larger sensitivity is already expected in the whole energy range compared to the ANTARES detector. Thanks to the unprecedented angular resolution, the extended energy range (few MeV; >10 PeV) and the full sky coverage, KM3NeT will play an important role in the rapidly evolving multi-messenger field. During this workshop, we would like to review the most up-to-date neutrino production models and present KM3NeT performances and multi-messenger programs.

This meeting is organized with the support of the KM3NeT-INFRADEV European H2020 project, the Labex OCEVU, the Aix-Marseille Université, the CPPM laboratory and the Programme National Hautes Energies with funding from CNRS (INSU/IN2P3/INP), CEA, and CNES.




Confirmed invited speakers (still on-going):
Andrii Neronov (APC), Daniele Gaggero (UAM/CSIC), Dmitry Malyshev (ECAP), Viviana Niro (APC), Walter Winter (Desy), Imre Bartos (University of Florida), Kohta Murase (PSU), Foteini Oikonomou (ESO), Chiara Righi (INFN), Irene Tamborra (NBI)

Alain Klotz (IRAP), Vladimir Lipunov (MASTER), Mikael Rigault (IPNL), Alexis Coleiro (APC/Université de Paris), Phil Evans (University of Leicester), Volodymyr Savchenko (ISDC), Cyril Lachaud (APC/Université de Paris), Harm Schoorlemmer (MPI Heidelberg), Olivier Martineau (LPNHE), Marie-Anne Bizouard (OCA Nice), Timothée Gregoire (PSU), Julien Girard (AIM/CEA), Stephane Corbel (AIM/CEA), Sara Buson (Wurzburg), Halec Habig (Minnesota University), Olivier Martineau (LPNHE), Thomas Kintscher (Desy). 


A.  Coleiro (APC - Université de Paris)
R. Coniglione (INFN LNS Catania)
P. Coyle (CPPM)
G.  de Wasseige (APC)
D.  Dornic (CPPM, chairman)
A.  Heijboer (Nikhef)
C. James (University of Curtin)
V.  Kulikovskiy (INFN Genova)
T.  Pradier (IPHC - Université de Strasbourg)
D. Samtleben (Nikhef, University of Leiden)
J.  Zornoza (IFIC)

LOC: V. Bertin, P. Coyle, D. Dornic and A. Pèpe (CPPM)


  • Aart Heijboer
  • Alain KLOTZ
  • Alec Habig
  • Alexander Enzenhofer
  • Alexis Coleiro
  • Alfonso Andres Garcia Soto
  • Andrii Neronov
  • Angela Zegarelli
  • Ankur Sharma
  • Annarita Margiotta
  • Antoine Kouchner
  • Antonio Marinelli
  • Chiara Righi
  • Christian Haack
  • Cyril Lachaud
  • Damien DORNIC
  • Damien Turpin
  • Dario Grasso
  • David Corre
  • Dmitry Malyshev
  • Dmitry Zaborov
  • Dorothea Samtleben
  • Ernst-Jan Buis
  • Federico Versari
  • Feifei Huang
  • Ferrara Giovanna
  • Foteini Oikonomou
  • Francisco Salesa Greus
  • Gwenhaël de Wasseige
  • Harm Schoorlemmer
  • Igor Belolaptikov
  • Imre Bartos
  • Irene Tamborra
  • Jean-Jacques Aubert
  • Juergen Brunner
  • Julien Girard
  • Kohta Murase
  • Lilian Martin
  • Manuela Mallamaci
  • Marie Anne Bizouard
  • Massimiliano Lincetto
  • Mathieu Lamoureux
  • Matteo Sanguineti
  • maurizio spurio
  • Mauro Taiuti
  • Michel MARCELIN
  • Mickael Rigault
  • Oleg Gress
  • Olga Suvorova
  • Olivier Martineau
  • Paschal Coyle
  • Phil Evans
  • Rasa Muller
  • Richard Dallier
  • Rosa Coniglione
  • Sara Buson
  • Sergio Alves Garre
  • Silvia Celli
  • Stéphane Corbel
  • Thomas Kintscher
  • Thomas Lipreau
  • Timothée Grégoire
  • Uli Katz
  • Viviana Niro
  • Vladimir Kulikovskiy
  • Volodymyr Savchenko
  • Walter Winter
  • Yoann Gatelet
  • Zhan-Arys Dzhilkibaev