Please note that the workshop had to be cancelled, unfortunately
The plan is to organise the CLIC workshop at a later date in 2020
The CLIC workshop 2020 covers Accelerator as well as the Detector and Physics studies, from on-going activities and results to future plans.
For the CLIC accelerator studies, the workshop spans 5 days: Monday 9th - Friday 13th March.
For CLICdp, the workshop runs from Tuesday 10th March until lunchtime on Friday 13th March.
We are looking for the widest possible participation and encourage in particular the involvement of young colleagues.
Common parts:
1- An open plenary session on Wednesday afternoon March 11th.
2- A common plenary accelerator/detector&physics session on Friday morning March 13th.
3- The workshop dinner on Wednesday evening.
Dedicated Accelerator sessions:
1- Parallel sessions on Monday afternoon, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning
2- A specific session on Thursday (Topic to be defined)
3- A CLIC/CTF3 Collaboration Board on Thursday late afternoon
Dedicated Detector and Physics sessions:
1- Topical sessions from Tuesday to Thursday.
2- A CLICdp dinner on Tuesday evening.
3- CLICdp Institute Board meetings on Tuesday and Thursday at lunchtime.
Detector and Physics topical session convenors [click names to email] are:
- Vertex & Tracking R&D: Magdalena Munker, Jerome Baudot, Andreas Nurnberg
- Calorimetry R&D: Mateus Vicente, Roman Poeschl, Konrad Elsener
- Software & Reconstruction: Andre Sailer, Frank Gaede, Gerardo Ganis
- Physics: Ulrike Schnoor, Juergen Reuter, Marcel Vos