Students and Project Split
Projects | Project Description | Supervisors | Students |
International Relations at CERN | The Associate & Non-Member State Section of CERN International Relations is responsible for matters concerning relations between CERN and its Associate & Non-Member States. As part of its mandate, the section maintains a complete and up-to-date record of the participation in the CERN programme of the Associate and Non-Member States and of their corresponding collaborating national laboratories, universities and institutes. The student project involves updating the information for these countries and their collaborating national laboratories, universities and institutes at CERN. |
Emmanuel Tsesmelis Ana Dordevic |
Eleni-Ergina Fotopoulou Christina Roumpou |
Evaluation of hands-on physics learning activities | S’Cool LAB at CERN is a particle physics education laboratory. We offer high school students the chance to take part in hands-on & minds-on physics learning activities. The students can make discoveries independently, learn to work scientifically and apply their knowledge in a new setting. |
Stavie Kotsi Gernot Werner Scheerer |
Ioanna Anastasopoulou Despoina Fouka Alexandra Gkentzi |
Secondary Beam line operation | A team of science educators is continuously improving the existing activities and currently developing new learning units and concepts in perspective of the future CERN science education and communication centre “Science Gate Way”. | Nikolaos Charitonidids |
Iordanis Pagonidis Panagiota Batsela |
Rucio: Scientific Data Management | In this context, we invite two students to a 5-day intership at S'Cool LAB. The aim of the internship is the evaluation of the existing hands-on physics learning activities and the testing of new educational equipment by members of the target group. The students will perform and evaluate the S’Cool LAB workshops SC, X-rays, and PET and test a newly received radiation education kit. | Dimitrios Christidis |
Konstantionos - Ftios Kyriakopoulos Zoi Papastathopoulou |
Gas studies for the Multigap Resistive Plate Chamber |
The students will participate in gas studies for large area (~ 1 m x 2 m) muon detectors for the muon telescopes of the Extreme Energy Events (EEE) project.
These detectors are Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPC): gaseous parallel plate detectors with 6 gas gaps. The resistive plates are made of glass and are separated from each other with fishing line spacers.
The EEE project is a cosmic ray experiment involving Italian High Schools; its aim is the search for extended air showers and events of extreme energy, by detecting the muon component of the shower. Muon telescopes are installed in ~50 Italian schools all over Italy; they consist of three large area MRPCs which the high-school students build at CERN.
Information about EEE
The students will have an introduction to cosmic rays, the EEE project and the detector operation. They will also find out about the electronics and readout system.
They will study the performance of one or more chambers for different gas mixtures. The gas mixture currently used is C2H2F4 98% - SF6 2%. These are both gases with a high global warming coefficient and their use will be banned. We are now investigating new mixtures, such as C3H2F4 - CO2. The students will measure the efficiency as a function of the high voltage, monitoring simultaneously the current and single rate of the chamber. |
Despina Hatzifotiadou |
Ektoras-Ioannis Vasilas Ioannis Loumakis |
Particle Therapy Masterclass |
The Particle Therapy Masterclass (PTMC) project, integrated in the International Physics Masterclasses, demonstrates the direct impact of fundamental research on medical applications. The students participating to the 2 weeks project will contribute to the updates of the material needed for this masterclass. Hence, they will be exposed to the basic principles of Radiotherapy, Medical Physics and they will learn the different applications of Particle Physics in the medical field. The students will be introduced to the usage of matRad software, which is used for treatment planning for cancer therapy. They will be also shown some of the software tools used at CERN (Indico, CERNbox ,etc). The general aim of the PTMC project is to highlight the importance of Physics and STEM in general for medical applications and society at large. More information can be found on the indico page of PTMC: |
Yota Foka Aristeidis Mamaras |
Nikolaos Fatouras Danai Vasiloglou |
Data Analysis of CERN accelerators' instruments | The CERN accelerators require a large number of instruments, measuring different beam parameters like position, losses, current etc. The instruments' associated electronics and software also produce information about their status. All these data are stored in a database for later analysis. The Beam Instrumentation group developed the Offline Analysis Framework some years ago to regularly and systematically analyze these data. A new web based Viewer is being developed to facilitate the users' access to results. t mainly produces graphs and tables for the different Instrument Analysis. The first days I ll explain to the students some basics about the CERN's accelerators and instruments in order to have an overview, as well as I ll teach them how to use the tool (Viewer). Then, since they ll be familiar with the tool they ll be able to parameterize, plot different graphs and create reports for different instrument analysis. Finally, they ll create a presentation with their reports and also explaining what they learn. | Athanasios Samantas |
Maria-Stefania Chatzigrigoriou Apostolos Tolis |
Quarks to cosmos | Introduction to the basics of physics analysis at the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment that resides at one of the eight insertion regions of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Students will be introduced to what a typical day for more than 2000 CMS physicists might look like. We'll analyze collisions recorded by CMS based on data that are already publicly available to search for heavy elementary particles like top quarks and special event signatures similarly to the ones possibly left behind by the primordial form that our Universe existed in. We'll take advantage of the software available for basic-level usage of open data, leaving a legacy for students and their teachers to analyze and visualize LHC data at their home schools. The ratio of physics/engineering/computing content of the project is: 70% - 0% - 30% Computing: basic knowledge of Linux and programming (C++ or Python) would be beneficial but not mandatory. | Georgios Krintiras |
Ioanna Papaharalampous-Lamprinidou Christos Schinas Konstantina Florou Dimitrios Chronis |
Anayzing massive datasets in the cloud | Students will be familiar with modern computing infrastructure used to analyze petabytes of data. They will get a hands-on experience on using cloud resources, CPU, GPU and Storage to execute data analysis jobs. Additionally, they will be introduced to open source software development and they will get to know some of the upstream communities we collaborate with. | Spyridon Trygazis |
Fotios Roumeliotis Theodora Gianakopoulou |
High precision testing and measurement equipment for quench detection system verification | The students will get familiar with high precision testing and measurement equipment designed for quench detection systems verification. Their project will include basic programming in order to establish communication between the testing equipment and the device under test. While working on this subject, the students will have the opportunity to learn basic python programming and communication protocols. | Tetiana Pridii |
Konstantinos Maliaris Stamata Stamatelou |
Methods and tools of scientific communication at CERN openlab | The students will work in a cutting-edge environment, meeting the standards of many leading partner companies of the CERN openlab such as Google, Intel, Oracle, Siemens and Micron. They will obtain hands-on experience in a variety of administrative tasks and they will be introduced to one of the most widely known platforms for web content management (Drupal 8), learning the basics of managing the content of a website and maintaining the CERN openlab website. In this period, they will have the opportunity to get acquainted with some basics of the Google Analytics and they will be taking part in creating a social media content plan for the CERN openlab accounts (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Alumni). | Christina Bolanou | Tereza-Foteini Savvopoulou |