Nov 7 – 20, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Projects & Supervisors

Students & Project split


Project title Project Description Supervisors  Students 
Making detector-corrected measurements using LHC data At the LHC, we make measurements of the rate at which certain processes occur in proton-proton collisions. These measurements can then be compared to predictions from the Standard Model or new theories such as those which try to explain Dark Matter. To ease the comparison, a process called “unfolding” aims to correct for detector resolution and acceptance effects, so that the results can be more easily compared to theory, without the need for expensive simulation of the detector. In this project, the students will help write software (mostly python) to make detector-corrected measurements of the rate at which invisible particles (like neutrinos) are produced in the ATLAS detector: a process which could be influenced by the presence of Dark Matter! Then the students will help to use these measurements to constrain any allowed rate of Dark matter production at the LHC. Louie Dartmoor Corpe

Matei-Bogdan Plescan

Cristiana Oana

Extension of TriggerAPI to heavy-ion runs The TriggerAPI package provides a convenient interface for analyzers to obtain information about active triggers in proton-proton runs. The aim of the project is to expand its functionality to include also information about the heavy-ion runs. The students will gain experience with the ATLAS software infrastructure, the trigger system, and the development of modern software with continuous integration tools. Javier Montejo Berlingen

Bucur-Andrei Borcoman

Radu Mihnea Negovan

Monolithic silicon pixel detectors Monolithic silicon pixel detectors are a very promising technology for future particle physics projects. MALTA represents a family of prototypes particularly targeting low power consumption and resistance to radiation damage. The aim of the project is to characterize the response of the last prototypes (MALTA2) to various types of ionizing particles; electrons, muons and hadrons. In particular hit multiplicity will be compared in different measurements apparatus and chip operating conditions. Depending on the progress and availability, dedicated measurements with lab setup or test beam are also foreseen. The project will give insight on R&D efforts of cutting edge detector technologies as well as allow to familiarize with the basis of interaction of particles with matter. Valerio Dao

Alexandru Catalin Macovei

David-Stefan Neacsu

Measuring the time evolution of the response of the Tile Calorimeter The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is the central section of the hadronic calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment and provides important information for reconstruction of hadrons, jets, hadronic decays of tau leptons and missing transverse energy. The time evolution of the TileCal cells response during proton-proton colisions period in LHC Run-2 and during the period without collsions in Long Shutdown willbe studied. The cell response is measured using the Laser calibration system and collected data are analyzed using Python. In this project, the students will have the opportunity to learn how the energy of particles is measured in modern detectors and how those detectors are monitored in time. Pawel Klimek

Diana Elena Lupascu

Maria-Cristina Simian

Lepton isolation Measurements performed by the ATLAS experiment commonly select electrons and muons from W boson, Z boson, Higgs boson, or top quark decays. Making such measurements requires discriminating these leptons, which tend to be isolated from other particles produced in a particular pp interaction, from those originating from decays of hadrons, which tend to have other nearby hadrons. This is commonly performed by measuring the total energy from particles close to a particular lepton ("isolation"). One major limitation is that, in a particular pp bunch-crossing, many pp interactions are expected to take place, such that even a lepton without nearby particles from its own pp interaction may have nearby particles from other pp interactions, an effect known as pile-up. As the instantaneous luminosity delivered by the LHC has increased over time, and especially due to the expected increase in pile-up in the upcoming LHC Run 3, finding new, improved ways of mitigating the effect of pile-up on lepton isolation is an important problem. For this task, various methods of pile-up suppression for muons will be studied, in preparation of analyzing Run 3 data. Matt Klein

Darius Andrei Manea

Monica Balan

Computing & ALICE experiment Collect statistics on the CPU types available to ALICE Grid jobs. Implement a CPU benchmark that would evaluate the performance of those cores and run it on the distributed computing infrastructure. Correlate the CPU model with the results of the benchmark.

Costin Grigoras 

Latchezar Betev

Alexandru Valentin Avram

Andres Rafael Garaiman

Higgs boson mass measurement The Higgs boson mass is one of the unconstrained parameter of the Standard Model (SM), which is the best available theory that describes the interaction of sub-atomic particles. Accurately measuring the Higgs boson mass is crucial because it determines the SM prediction of the Higgs boson production and decay rates. At ATLAS the Higgs boson mass can be measured by exploiting the Higgs boson decay in two photons. In these decay channel the Higgs boson is observed as a narrow peak over a large non resonant background in the di-photon invariant mass distribution. The students using Monte Carlo simulation will reproduce the Higgs boson peak and they will find the best functional form that can be used to model the Higgs boson signal. Stefano Manzoni

Maria Theodora Argint

Iancu-Matei Scurtu

Impact of passive material on electron showers in ATLAS The ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter plays a major role in stopping and detecting electrons and photons produced in collisions. These particles deposit their energy in the calorimeter with characteristic features that depend on the amount and position of passive material between the interaction point and the calorimeter. We will study these effects with the Geant4 toolkit and a very simplified description of the ATLAS detector. Julien Maurer

Tiberia Farkas

Theodor Mos

From design, Finite Element Analysis, to production and testing of a component of an accelerator/detector The students will have the opportunity to design in a Computer Aided Design software a mockup of a simple component of accelerators/detectors, then to analyze it in a Finite Element Analysis software (Ansys) to check its thermal and structural behavior and expected performance. This will involve setting up the boundary conditions and loads, optimizing the simulations, post-processing the results. Then, the students will produce 2D drawings and will observe and contribute (where possible) to the manufacturing and assembly of the component. If time allows, to assess its performance, measurements will be performed in the laboratory, and the results will be compared to the results obtained from the Finite Element Analysis, and also to the analytical calculations based on mathematical and physical principles. The structure might also be inspected with the microscope after. In this way, the students will be able to observe the full life cycle that accelerators/detectors components go through, at a smaller scale, and will be able to see many of the services offered by EN-MME: engineering support combining mechanical design, analysis, production, testing and material sciences. Iuliana Tabian

Codrin Berinde

Anda-Alexandra Dragomir

Calibration studies for the TimePix3 detector via FLUKA simulations

The students will learn about particle interactions with matter within the Radiation to Electronics (R2E) project at CERN. They will perform Monte Carlo (FLUKA) simulations for the energy deposited by various particles in a TimePix3 detector, and compare it with experimentally measured data in order to calibrate the detector.

Daniel Prelipcean

Victor-Stefan Fortis

Andrei Valentin Stirbu

Muon identification efficiency calibration using the Tag&Probe method
The precise knowledge about the performance of a particle detector is the most crucial ingredient from an experimental point of view. The term performance refers to the ability of the detector to reconstruct a particle traversed as well as the resolution of the reconstructed particle 4-momentum compared to its actual true momentum. In particle experiments, as big as ATLAS those problems are assessed by exploiting well known candle processes where the particle produced in the collisions, e.g, a Z boson, immediately decays into a pair of particles which we want to detect with the detector, in this case a muon anti-muon pair. The well known restmass of the instable particle gives a distinct peak in the dilepton mass spectrum which allows us to easily select a data-sample enriched in those decays. The fact that muons can be independently reconstructed by the Inner Detector and the Muon Spectrometer (MS) with similar resolution allows to assess the reconstruction performance of the detectors by means of the so-called Tag&Probe method. The students have first to learn about the basic facts of Z boson production at the LHC. They also will learn about the principles to distinguish the different kinds of particles produced in a pp collision and how do we measure their energies. With both tools in hand, they'll design an event selection to select a sample of Z boson candidates in the LHC data. Finally, the T&P method will be applied to measure the abilities of the ATLAS-MS to identify muons.
Johannes Junggeburth

Tunde Bokor

Luciana-Dumitrita Murareanu

CMS Experiment Systems group The student will spend two days with 4 different projects in the CMS Experiment Systems group, being connected to an international environment, as the co-supervisors will be English, Portuguese, Greek, French and Italian. During this time the student will do some measurements, see how the studies are carried in the group, etc., mainly for the CMS upgrades. For the project: write a newsletter summarizing the activities he has seen and been involved in, that will be distributed to all members of the group, and to all members of the RO-CERN programme. David Barney  Radu Ionut Bolborea