4–6 May 2020
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Analysis of the Scalar sector and prospect of a scalar dark matter candidate in the Electroweak Scale Right handed neutrino-model

5 May 2020, 15:00
Parallel Talk BSM BSM III


Shreyashi Chakdar


Motivated by the no-show of any New Physics signals coming from the BSM searches in the post-Higgs era of the LHC, we study the scalar sector of the original electroweak-scale right-handed neutrino (EWν_R) model, which includes Majorana masses and mirror fermions having masses in the EW scale, within the reach of the current colliders. This scenario successfully links the see-saw mechanism, strong CP and DM sectors and contains distinguished Long-lived particle (LLP) signals with large displaced vertices (mm-cm) in quark and lepton sectors. In this work, we analyze the complete scalar sector spectrum which includes heavier triplets, doublets and singlet higgs states in conjunction with the specific 125-GeV scalar state. We present the obtained heavy scalar particle spectrum in the light of the current LHC constraints and comment on their reach at the current/future colliders. We also specifically investigate the prospect of the light singlet scalar fulfilling the role of the DM candidate in this framework.

Primary authors

Shreyashi Chakdar P.q. Hung DILIP KUMAR GHOSH (IACS) Najimuddin Khan (Indian Institute of Technology Indore)

Presentation materials