7–13 Jun 2020 Cancelled
Split, Croatia
Europe/Zagreb timezone


Andrzej Nowak 

Andrzej Nowak spent the last 15 years at the juncture of technology, business and innovation. Between 2007 and 2014 he worked at CERN openlab - a collaboration of CERN and industrial partners such as Google, HP, Huawei, Intel, Oracle and Siemens. Andrzej was also part of the openlab CTO office, where he helped set up next-generation technology projects for CERN.

More recently, Andrzej founded a small technology and innovation consultancy (TIK Services) as well as a fintech start-up. In the last few years, he worked in management consulting in finance and in innovation management.

Andrzej co-founded various schools and course series, including the thematic CSC, that trained over 2,000 students in 17 countries.


Daniel Hugo Campora Perez | Nikhef and Maastricht University, the Netherlands

Daniel "DHCP" Campora received his PhD in Computer Engineering from the Universidad de Sevilla, and has worked at CERN between 2010 and 2019. He has focused on Data Acquisition in the ATLAS and LHCb detectors, moving data in an efficient manner in a real-time environment, and in High Performance Computing at LHCb, processing and filtering those data at a high throughput.

He likes to keep up with the latest processor developments and software techniques, multi and manycore alike. He is one of the lead developers of a reconstruction framework for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for the first data filtering stage of LHCb. He is now working in the Netherlands at a joint postdoc between Nikhef and Maastricht University.


Sebastien Ponce | CERN

Sebastien Ponce is a member of the EP department at CERN where he works on the LHCb software framework. He is the leader of the LHCb software upgrade targeting the LHCb run 3 and aiming at parallelizing, vectorizing and in general optimizing the LHCb code.

He has previously spent 10 years in the CERN IT department, working on Mass Storage solutions as the lead developer of the CERN Advanced Storage Manager (CASTOR), the software holding all CERN's physics data (> 150PB). He has obtained a PhD thesis at EPFL, working on parallelization of the LHCb computing software framework. He originally graduated as an engineer in the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecoms in Paris and before that as an engineer from the Ecole Polytechnique Paris.


Ivica Puljak | University of Split, Croatia

Ivica Puljak is Professor of physics at University of Split, Faculty of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and naval architecture (FESB). He obtained PhD from University Pierre and Maire Curie in Paris in 2000, while working at Laboratory Leprince Ringuet (LLR) at Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau. He was head of Department of mathematics and physics, head of Chair of physics and Vice-Dean for Science and Informatics at FESB, member of Board of governors of Institute Rudjer Boskovic in Zagreb and has been awarded with several national and international prizes for science and education. In 2011/2012 he was research associate at CERN and in 2016/2017 distinguished visiting professor at Ecole polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.

He is a member of CMS collaboration since 1994 and MAGIC collaboration since 2009. His research interests are construction of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS detector, physics of the Higgs boson and astroparticle physics.