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Finance Committee - Three-Hundred-and-Seventieth Meeting

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
    • 1
      Adoption of the Agenda
    • 2
      Approval of the draft minutes of the three-hundred-and-sixty-ninth meeting
    • 3
      Matters arising from the previous meeting
    • 4
      Status of payment of 2019 contributions by the Member and Associate Member States
    • 5
      Cash position
    • 6
      Update on the cumulative budget deficit (Dr M. Steinacher - Oral)
    • 7
      The Cost-Variation Index for 2020
    • 8
      Final Budget of the Organization for the sixty-sixth financial year 2020
    • 9
      Report by the Chair on the Audit Committee on the meeting held on 19 November 2019 (Mr O. Malmberg - Oral)
    • 10
      Report by the Chair of the Tripartite Employment Conditions Forum (TREF) (Prof. B. Åsman - Oral)
    • 11
      Proposed amendments to the 11th edition of the Staff Rules and Regulations – technical adjustments
    • 12
      CERN Pension Fund
      • a) Report by the Chair of the Governing Board (Ms C. Jamieson - Oral)
      • b) Investment performance report (Mr M. Eyton-Jones - Oral)
      • c) Dashboard on the evolution of the CERN Pension Fund as at 1 July 2019
    • 13
      LHC Matters
      • a) Status of LS2, LIU and HL-LHC and follow-up on the cost and schedule review (Dr F. Bordry - Oral)
      • b) Earned-value management (EVM) reports on the LHC Injector Upgrade (LIU) and High-Luminosity LHC Projects
      • c) Status report on experiments and computing (Prof. E. Elsen - Oral)
    • 14
      Progress report on the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (Prof. H. Abramowicz - Oral)
    • 15
      Contract adjudications

      Introduction and Short Overview (Mr. T. Lagrange - Oral)

      • a) Proposal for the award of a contract, without competitive tendering, for licences and maintenance of computer-aided engineering software tools
      • b) Proposal for the award of a contract for the supply of a PDM/PLM platform to manage multi-CAD data
      • c) Proposal for the award of a contract for the provision of reception services on the CERN site
      • d) Proposal for the award of a service contract for the operation and maintenance of and works on low-voltage electrical installations of surface buildings at CERN
      • e) Proposal for the extension of a partnership agreement for the management of medical emergencies on the CERN site and the training of CERN’s medical staff and firefighters in emergency situations
      • f) Request to the Finance Committee to agree to the tendering of a contract for the Science Gateway exhibitions on a best-value-for-money basis with a fixed price
      • g) Proposal for the award of a contract for the construction of two new modular buildings for the CERN crèche and school on the Swiss part of CERN’s Meyrin site
      • h) Proposal for the award of a contract for the construction of a retention pond
      • i) Proposal for the award of a contract for the supply of a solid-state RF amplifier for Linac3
      • j) Proposal for the award of a blanket purchase contract for the supply of VMEbus subracks for CERN’s accelerator control systems
      • k) Proposal for the award of three blanket purchase contracts for the supply of liquid nitrogen
      • l) Proposal to negotiate a collaboration agreement for the construction of ten cryostats for the High-Luminosity LHC project
      • m) Proposal to negotiate a collaboration agreement for the provision of beam dynamics studies, for the construction of accelerator systems, and for beam screen laser processing, for the High-Luminosity LHC project
    • 16
      Proposal for a new Council timetable for 2021 comprising three ordinary sessions
    • 17
      Other Business